An Ordinary Fairy
never feel cold.”
    Noah wanted to burst out laughing but restrained showing any reaction. Willow stopped walking and looked at him, an amused look on her face. He couldn’t restrain himself any longer and broke into a hearty laugh. She looked puzzled, but joined in his mirth.
    After a few seconds, when Noah regained some control, he managed to speak again. “Do you know what we’re laughing about?”
    “I have no idea,” gasped Willow.
    “Well, I’m laughing because you felt a chill right after I did. And you’re laughing because I’m laughing.” He lost control again and descended into a long painful laugh. Willow followed suit for a few moments, then became quite sober and fixed a concerned stare on Noah. His amusement snapped off like a light. Even the usual aftershocks of a good laugh weren’t apparent.
    “I guess it works both ways,” he said.
    “Are you telling me … you think we’re … picking up on each others thoughts?”
    “Not thoughts, exactly. Moods or feelings maybe. No, not maybe, for sure. Think about the times we’ve been together. I think our feelings have been mirroring or something. Remember Monday, at the pond, when I told you I was making a second trip around to shoot the pictures? How did you feel?”
    “Well, pissed off, to be precise.”
    “Me, too, but I had no reason to be. This morning at the cottage, your mood changes were crazy.”
    “You’re right about that,” she said, nodding. “I felt strange. I’m never so unsettled.”
    “I could see that, but I could also feel it. Even stranger, we kept getting into synch. When you got angry with me, I became angry, too, but I couldn’t figure out why at the time. When you were sad, so was I. And you seemed embarrassed a couple of times, right after I was.” Willow nodded her agreement. “Is this a fairy thing? Do you do this with everyone?”
    “No. Fairies can sense human feelings, but not this thing you and I are doing.” She paused and blushed. “I mean other people’s feelings. Sorry, that is a fairy thing, saying ‘human’. We can sense feelings and emotions. That’s why we’re uncomfortable around groups of people. It can be quite confusing and unnerving when you sense every emotion in the room. With one or two persons, we can block it out, but more can be nasty. But we never emulate emotions from someone else. No, what you and I seem to be doing is new. I’ve never heard of anything like it.” Her brow furrowed.
    If you can feel what I’m feeling, I need to be careful.
    Willow’s thought seemed to break and she looked up. “What were you just thinking?”
    “Nothing. Not to change the subject,” Noah said, “but I’m surprised you’re telling me this fairy lore.”
    “Well, I decided before I came over to do a stupid thing. I’m going to trust you.”
    “What changed since this morning?”
    “Call it fairy intuition, if you like.” She grinned. “And maybe it is stupid since now I know you can influence my emotions. You could plant trusting thoughts in my head, but I don’t think you will. I know we just met two days ago, but ever since you first came to the cottage I’ve had the feeling … that I already know you somehow.”
    “I have the same sensation. Like— deja knew .”
    Willow giggled. “Yes, that’s it exactly! Do you think this emulating is both of us or is one of us projecting our feelings on the other?”
    “Is it one projecting or the other one detecting?”
    “Ouch! My head is starting to hurt,” Willow said. They laughed.
    “I guess it doesn’t matter,” Noah said, “as long as you trust me.”
    “I do, and that’s a big step for a fairy. Much is at stake. You asked me this morning and I didn’t answer. There are other fairies, many fairies, all around the world. Every country has some. Not as many as long ago, but we’re still around. We stick to rural and remote areas now. I know a few urban fairies, but it’s a difficult environment for us. It’s safer for

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