Fabulous Five 024 - The Great TV Turnoff

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Book: Fabulous Five 024 - The Great TV Turnoff by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
families' not helping their kids with the turnoff. Boy, were they
mad at first. They started raving about all the reasons why they shouldn't quit
watching. My dad said there was no way he could miss the news, and my mother
said she couldn't miss her programs, either.
    "But the more they talked, the more they said they
could do without television if other people could. And guess what, they each
started a book and couldn't put it down."
    "Super," replied Katie. "I'm glad to hear it."
    More and more during the rest of the week, kids came up to
Katie and told her about the things they had found to do instead of watching TV.
Some mentioned the list of activities she had posted on the bulletin board.
Others talked about doing things with their families. Geena McNatt said that
Max and Joe had talked their father into digging out their fishing equipment,
and she and her father and brothers had gone fishing together. They'd had so
much fun, they were planning a two-day family fishing trip.
    Later that day Katie got a note saying that Miss Simone
wanted to see her.
    "I thought you might be worrying about the phone calls Mr.
Bell was getting from people complaining about your mother's article,"
said the secretary. "You should know that a lot of those people have called
him back to apologize. They realize now that they should have been more
supportive of their children's efforts not to watch television."
    Katie looked through the doorway into the principal's
office. Mr. Bell was talking on the telephone and had a big smile on his face.
    "Thank you, Miss Simone. That does make me feel good."
    Katie held Tony's hand as she looked around the gym and
watched couples dancing to the music of The Dreadful Alternatives. Crepe paper
had been strung across the walls of the Wakeman gym, and there were long tables
topped with soft drinks and trays of homemade cookies, brownies, and cake. The
turnoff was finally over, and this was the party to celebrate its end.
    She couldn't help feeling a mixture of pride and relief.
Pride that she had helped to make it a success, even though she hadn't been for
it in the beginning, and relief that things could get back to normal now. She
looked across the floor to where her mother was talking with Mr. Bell and Mrs.
Karl. She was proud of her mother most of all. Willie had never backed down
from something she believed in, and Katie had learned a lot about standing up
to pressure during the turnoff.
    Jana and Randy and Melanie and Shane were standing next to
Katie and Tony. No one was talking. Instead each couple swayed to the music and
watched the crowd clustered around the room.
    Suddenly Beth hurried toward them. She was followed by Jon
Smith, who was carrying a camcorder with a light on top. Wires ran down Jon's
back to a battery pack that was attached to the belt at the back of his waist.
    "I'm interviewing people for the Media Club. Can I
interview you guys?" Beth asked. "You'll be able to see yourselves on
    "You forget," Tony said with a laugh. "Katie
doesn't watch TV."
    "I didn't say I wouldn't like to be on television," joked Katie. "After all, I might have to try a famous
court case when I become a judge someday, and there's bound to be publicity."
    "Just think of it as a news program, which is really
what it is," said Beth. "Roll it, Jon," she commanded.
    Katie and Tony were bathed in the light of Jon's camera as
he squinted through the viewfinder.
    "Tell me, Katie Shannon," Beth said, sticking a
microphone in Katie's face, "what was the most interesting thing that you
did instead of watching television during the last two weeks?"
    Everything that had happened during the TV turnoff raced
through Katie's mind. She thought about her fight with Tony and her problems
with Laura. Of course there had been some nice things, too—working on the
turnoff with Willie and The Fabulous Five, playing Monopoly with her mother,
and making up with Tony. But she didn't want to talk about any of those things

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