Freakn' Cougar
street corners?”
    “I have faith that whatever drew us together did so because we have a chance at happiness.” He could have added that she was exactly his type. Had they met outside the prison, even without the mating urge, he would have hit on her. He liked women of character who didn’t simper before a man and who possessed minds and opinions of their own. He wanted someone who could engage him on all levels, not just a sexual one. But how could he convince her of that?
    “I get it. You find me attractive, and you want to bang me. Sexual compatibility is not something to base a whole future on.”
    “And, yet, isn’t that how most relationships start? First, you notice the exterior package, and your brain sends a message along the lines of ‘Hey, this broad is hot.’ Then your eyes meet, and there’s a little spark, a shared moment where you’re like, ‘I want to get to know this gal.’ Next thing you know, you’re talking and making out.”
    “Or slapping the forward jerk and stomping away.”
    He grinned. “I think we’ve ascertained at this point that we’re a little more compatible than that. Or have you failed to notice the fact we’ve been talking more than lusting?”
    Her lips pursed. “I would have classed it more as arguing.”
    “Nothing wrong with a lively discussion.”
    “Fine. Split hairs and call it what you like. We still don’t know much about each other as people.”
    “Easily rectified. I like the color blue. Bacon that’s practically burnt. And I watch Vampire Diaries , but will deny it if asked in public. Your turn.” He tossed her a challenging smile over his shoulder.
    “We don’t have time for this,” she hissed as they entered the more populated area of the prison.
    “Oh please. No one is listening to us.” Nor looking for long because all it took was one scowl from Ricky to send their attention elsewhere. A reputation for being a badass was a good thing to have in prison. “So come on, bebé . Spill it. Favorite color and food.”
    “Red and cheesecake.” She mumbled it, not seeming pleased at all, which was why he was surprised when she said, “I like to watch Once Upon A Time, even if I want to slap Snow White for being such a pansy. And if you tell anyone, I will hurt you.”
    He couldn’t help a spurt of laughter. “Was that so hard?”
    Further talk became nearly impossible as they entered the main area of the prison, but Ricky inwardly smiled. Maybe he’d not gotten to act out any fantasies yet, but he’d taken a step in the right direction getting her to open up, even if grudgingly.
    He really did need to finagle some alone time though. Maybe tonight. If he could convince her to let him out so he could roam, under the pretext of sniffing out the killer, then perhaps he could sneak in a kiss or two or more . He wasn’t kidding when he boasted he could make her purr. And if he was really lucky, he’d wear some scratches to prove it.

Chapter Thirteen
    Patricia left Ricky in the common area and went looking for Stu. Her cougar prowled her mind, restless and displeased. It lamented the fact she’d not let the rough-around-the-edges panther claim her or, at the very least, manage a grope. While Patricia might be a modern woman who valued her freedom and choices, her inner animal was more than eager to let a man place his mark upon her.
    What she saw as a crude pickup line, her beast saw as strength and determination. Much as it galled her, Patricia couldn’t help but feel pleasure at his insistence he’d have her. That he wanted her. A part of her was even disappointed that she didn’t get a kiss.
    There’s always tonight.
    No. She tamped that thought right down. Tonight she needed to pay close attention to what went on. It would suck to have to explain, not to mention live with the guilt, if the killer struck on her watch. Especially if one of her guys got hurt.
    They’re not mine. Funny how she kept saying that to herself and, yet,

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