Laura Abbot

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Authors: Into the Wilderness
troop was opposing Captain Montgomery’s, and there was much good-natured joshing and more than a few wagers placed.
    When the teams ran onto the field, the crowd clapped and hooted. Major Hurlburt, the umpire, stepped up to the team captains and appeared to be reminding them of the rules. Before the game began, the players stripped off their jackets and rolled up their sleeves. Lily noticed that Benjamin, her former concussion patient, was playing in the outfield while Caleb took the pitcher’s position. Although she couldn’t follow all the fine points of the game, she understood that Caleb’s skill was frustrating those attempting to strike the ball. Just as she was feeling sorry for Caleb’s opponent, he connected with the ball and sent it soaring into the outfield beyond any of the players to the great delight of that team’s boosters.
    When it was Caleb’s team’s turn at bat, Rose poked her in the ribs. “I imagine you’re partial to this nine.”
    Had Rose noticed her eyes following Caleb’s every move? “You should be, too, sister. We know Captain Montgomery better than we know Lieutenant Creekmore.”
    Despite Lily’s determination not to play favorites, she couldn’t help noticing Caleb’s broad shoulders and muscled forearms. Before he pitched again, he came over to the nearby water bucket and ladled out a drink. She lowered her gaze lest he discover her staring at him. He was one fine-looking man.
    As the game wore on and the high jinks in the stands grew louder and more partisan, Lily reflected that events like this benefitted morale. From the beginning, the score seesawed. Finally in the last inning, Caleb’s team eked out the winning run. Amid whooping and huzzahing, the teams left the field, many heading out to wash up before the pie supper.
    Lily and Rose hurried to the dessert tables to slice cakes and pies and set out plates and cutlery. Major Hurlburt, his face red from the exertion of umpiring, approached them. “Mighty nice of you women to provide such a treat,” he said with an approving smile.
    As the men reassembled, the major made a short speech. “A fine sporting event, gentlemen. Played fair and square. To the victor belong the spoils. Captain Montgomery, lead your team to the desserts.”
    Caleb, his thumbs hooked in his suspenders, grinned. “We’ll try to leave some food for the others.” Amid good-natured catcalls from the opposing team, the men descended on the dessert tables.
    Carrie and Virginia dispensed lemonade while Rose and Lily helped Effie dish up servings of pie and cake.
    Caleb eyed the selections. “Which one is yours?” he asked Lily.
    “Oh, don’t try mine,” she said. “You’d prefer Rose’s pie.”
    As other men moved past him, he looked her in the eye. “Why wouldn’t I want yours?”
    “Let’s just say I’m a better nurse than I am a cook.”
    “I’ll be the judge of that.” He studied the table. “Which one?”
    Reluctantly she pointed out the less-than-perfect chiffon cake.
    “Cut me a big slice.”
    She had no choice but to serve him what he wanted, but she added a sliver of raisin pie to his plate. “I’ll be sitting over there.” He nodded in the direction of the first base bench. “Would you do me the honor of joining me when you’re finished here?”
    Heads bobbed up all around and curious stares settled on the two of them. She felt trapped. “You may be finished with your food before I have completed my duty.”
    His quirked eyebrow told her he knew she was procrastinating. “I’ll wait,” he said, moving off to the field.
    Lily bent over the food, avoiding anyone’s gaze. It was one thing to take a companionable stroll from the cemetery or to be escorted home from a band concert. This meeting would be all too public. Already she felt the pressure of the I-told-you-so looks passing among the troops.
    Rose sidled up to her. “You can’t be rude,” she murmured.
    Lily wasn’t worried about rudeness, more about the

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