Beauty & the Biker

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Book: Beauty & the Biker by Beth Ciotta Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Ciotta
Tags: Contemporary
they’d inflict hurt or intensify the conflict. Breaking off with Carson hadn’t been easy and she’d tried her best to make the split amicable. When was he going to respect her position? “I know you didn’t mean to hurt my feelings, but that doesn’t change how you feel. Not just about my writing, but about a good many of my interests and opinions.”
    “I’m not the person you want and you’re not the person I imagined.”
    He tightened his hold, softened his gaze. “I’m everything you need and more. You just can’t see it right now because you’re blinded by stress.”
    Since shouting was discouraged within the library, Bella refrained from blowing her top. She did, however, tremble with frustration.
    He angled his head and crooked a persuasive smile, the kind that could sell an Amish man a car. “How about instead of you taking care of your dad, you let me take care of you and him?”
    “Right. You don’t love me. So you said in the heat of anger.”
    “So I know in my heart. We’re not compatible.”
    “You’re intimidated by my wealth and position. You don’t think you deserve me. But you do.”
    Bella closed her eyes, willing patience, willing words. “Please unhand me.”
    When his touch fell away, she chanced his gaze, and instead saw that he’d given her his back. Thankfully, he was leaving. But not without reaffirming his stance. “I’m not giving up on you,” he said over his shoulder. “On us. I am the man you imagined—a flesh and bone knight in shining armor. I will sweep you off your feet.”
    As she went about the rest of her day, Carson’s parting promise lingered in the back of Bella’s mind. She anticipated more flowers, more spontaneous visits, random acts of kindness and attempts to right her world. He expected her to succumb to his generous and romantic gestures. She’d become the ultimate challenge and he was determined to win her heart.
    Ironically, that against-all-odds scenario fueled many of the starry-eyed tales Bella held near and dear. If she didn’t know Carson better, his romantic declaration would’ve summoned a choir of angels, signaling Bella’s spectacular change of heart.
    Instead, his persistence left her hollow and aching for the attentions of a sincere champion. Which reminded her of the application she’d filed with Impossible Dream. She’d complicated her desire to hook up with a gifted illustrator by listing qualities she associated with an ideal lover— sense of humor, generous heart, optimist, hard worker, kid friendly, magical kisser. She cringed now wishing she hadn’t been so specific. She hadn’t just colored outside the lines, she’d scribbled into the abstract.
    By the time Bella left the library, her mind was dizzy with ruminations regarding her past and future. Carson, her dad, Savage, Prince Picasso Charming. Considering her troubles revolved around men, who better to confide in than Angel.
    Bella loped down the front steps, smiling as her grounded and experienced friend pulled her zippy white sports car—a gift from her second husband—curbside. Baxter Drake, rest his soul, had worshiped the ground Angel walked on, showering her with possessions she hadn’t even wanted. She’d be happier driving a snazzy Jeep than this sleek import, but since Baxter had gifted her with the sporty convertible the night before he died, Angel refused to part with it. She was sentimental like that. She was also very stylish in a bohemian sort of way. Hence she looked all trendy and rebel like—her blazing red hair, wind-tossed and wild—sitting behind the wheel of the sophisticated and uber expensive car.
    Sliding on her sunglasses, Bella settled into the passenger seat and, as always, battled claustrophobia. Not that she’d ever complain, but the sports car was ridiculously small. Who cared if it was cute and fast? There was no wiggle room. At least today the top was down. “I really appreciate

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