Give Me More
death on her first night here,” Blake said as we walked into the homey kitchen. The small wooden table was already decked out with dishes filled with roasted meat, crusty bread, and a fresh looking salad.
    “You guys sure can cook!” I exclaimed after taking my first bite. The food tasted delicious and fresh. “Thank you so much for having me over for dinner.”
    “It’s been our pleasure,” Blake replied kindly.
    “Plus, we have our own ulterior motives,” Bard added with a wicked grin.
    I felt my pulse quicken and put down my fork, remembering the old woman’s warning words.
    “What do you mean?” I asked cautiously.
    “Don’t mind my brother. His big mouth gets in his way all the damn time,” Blake said with a harsh look over at his twin.
    “I think she should know. It’s her destiny too,” Bard retorted.
    “Know what?” I asked, feeling even more nervous. “Tell me what is going on.”
    “It would have been better to get to know each other first,” Blake said gently. “But since my brother can’t keep his mouth shut, we’ll need to tell you now. Please just keep an open mind. I know that what we are about to tell you will sound insane, but I promise it is true and we can prove it.”
    “Alright,” I agreed. Normally, I would have left immediately, but something drew me into these brothers. They were the most attractive white men I had ever met, but something else drew me to them. They made me fell safe and happy in a way that I never had before. I thought they deserved to be heard out.
    “I guess we’ll start at the beginning,” Blake said gently, reaching out to touch my hand. “Our family has lived on this mountain for many generations. We aren’t like most people here, or most people at all. Ashia, we are bear shifters. That means that we can turn from men into bears at will.”
    “Seriously?” I interrupted. “You don’t need to fuck with me. What are you guys really involved with?”
    “Okay, maybe before we go any further Bard can give you a little demonstration,” Blake said with a meaningful look at his brother. “Just don’t be afraid. He will still be the same person on the inside and I’ll be right here next to you.”
    Bard nodded to his brother and got up from the table, walking out the side door from the kitchen to the yard.
    “Where are you going?” I asked, but he just grinned back at me.
    As soon as he was outside, Bard stopped and tensed his muscles. At first it was only a small change, his arms looked hairier, his face looked longer. Then suddenly, his body seemed to snap, gliding into his new shape. Where the handsome man had just been standing there was suddenly a large brown bear.
    “Oh my God!” I whispered, staring at the bear, then back at Blake. “You were telling the truth.”
    “I know it must be a big shock. But I promise we aren’t as scary as we seem. People tend not to understand us and they stay clear. But our clan is full of very kind people, who just happen to be shifters. We have all sorts of rules about never harming humans and never using our powers for ill.”
    “Plus, we can show you all sorts of awesome secret stuff. And bears mate for life,” Bard added with a wink. He had somehow managed to transform back to his human form and sneak back in while I was looking at his brother.
    “Maybe we should wait until another time to tell her the rest,” Blake warned. “She’s already had a lot to swallow today.”
    “No, please tell me everything,” I interjected. “I need to know.”
    The brothers looked at each other and an understanding passed between them. Blake nodded and Bard grinned.
    “Ashia, bear shifters know their mates as soon as they meet them.  Their inner bear senses it immediately,” Bard said, his voice sounding eager yet gentle. “Since Blake and I are twins, our inner bears are linked. We always knew we would share a

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