Learning to Drive... Him Crazy
considered to be a perfect bottom, as well. It was soft and
flawless, and nicely shaped. He hated how women today tried to be
so skinny. She had the nice curves that made a woman look like a
woman, and that included her lovely bottom. He put his hand on her
bare bottom as he said, "Honey, you're about ready to get your
driver's license. Once you have that the only thing stopping you
from being the event planner you want to be is a car. I know you'll
be a top-notch planner, but don't be your own worst enemy to your
career, honey. Save that money to buy your car. Follow your
budget." With that, he patted her bottom a couple times gently
before bringing his hand down harder as he started the
    Alana yelped with the first real smack.
Having said what he felt needed to be said, John put her objections
out of his mind and concentrated on the spanking. But as the
spanking continued, so did her vocal complaints. "Oww! Oh! John, it
    "I know it hurts, Alana. It's a spanking. I
don't know if you were spanked growing up, but I know you were
spanked at least one other time."
    "But I didn't know jeans and panties made
that much difference! This really hurts!"
    John had to smile at her discovery. "Which
is precisely why we're doing it this way, since it didn't have much
of an effect on you over your jeans and panties. Maybe you'll learn
the lesson I'm attempting to teach you this time."
    "I have, I have! I've learned my lesson this
time, I swear."
    He stopped the spanking for a moment to say,
"Then prove you have, Alana. Think about when we sat down not that
long ago and talked about how important it is that you have the
money to buy your vehicle when you get your license. Think about
when we talked about you needing to follow a budget to be sure you
have the money when you're ready for a car. Then think about how we
talked about your budget and agreed on what was a fair, and in fact
a fairly generous budget that allowed you to again start saving for
that vehicle. If you have indeed learned your lesson, that means
you accept that fact that you have earned, and in fact, deserve
this spanking. If that's the case, show me that you accept that
premise by accepting these last ten swats. Stop squirming and
trying to wriggle off my lap."
    He gave her a couple moments to digest what
he'd just said, then delivered the first smack. He was a little
surprised when she didn't cry out or try to move. He'd delivered
four solid smacks before she even gasped. After the seventh swat
she was struggling to stay still, and although she was now sobbing,
she made it through all ten. John kept his hand on her bottom, and
used his other hand to rub her back while she sobbed.
    When she had caught her breath, he lifted
her and helped her settle on his lap, and used his arms to cocoon
her tightly against his chest. "It's over, Sweetheart, and you're
forgiven. We're good again, honey, and I'm proud of you. You
accepted that spanking well."
    Her tears continued to flow as she snuggled
into his chest. They were both happy to stay right where they were
for the next twenty minutes. They talked some, but mostly just held
each other close.
    * * * * *
    Cal was sitting on Kelli's couch, with Kelli
draped over his left knee. Her upper body was resting on the couch,
her bare bottom was strategically perched high, and his right leg
was over her legs, keeping them still. "Kelli, I want to talk a
minute about you and wine. I need to know how much of a problem
this is, how often it happens, so I can help you control it."
    "It's really not that much of a problem. I
think it's only happened maybe four or five times. I usually don't
care all that much for wine. I mean, it's okay, but not something I
crave. Every now and then, though, I find one I really like."
    "And you drink too much of it?"
    "Yeah, I guess."
    "You guess?"
    "Well, I think I drink too much in too short
a time. It doesn't seem like it's affecting me, until all at once.
By then it's too late, I've

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