Prescribed for Love

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Book: Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Moutinho
watched as Catriona worked diligently on something in her hands. Finally seeming satisfied she held up a small stick and said, “ H a! Success!”
    “And just what have ye done successfully? That doesna e look to be verra effective as much more than a toothpick,” said Alasdair as he finally decided to let his presence be known.
    Catriona turned and let out a small shriek, “ Don’t do that! Y ou scared the shit out of me!”
    “I apologize , I didnae mean to scare ye. I simply wanted to discover why ye felt ye needed such privacy. ”
    “ Now who’s spying on whom ? And, if you could tell I wanted privacy, why would you follow me? ”
    Alasdair shrugged his shoulders unapologetically. “Ye still havenae answered my question . What is that wee stick ye a re so excited about?” He still did not understand how such a simple item could e licit such a response.
    “It’s a crochet hook,” she replied. When Alasdair looked at her confusedly she continued, “It’s a type of craft, for making lace or blankets. I was trying to make myself useful to your sister , but I’m not very good at sewing, weaving, or knitting. At least with this I could actually accomplish something .”
    “Ye are a guest in my home, ye dinnae need to busy ye rself with such tasks,” replied Alasdair . He was a bit affronted that she should feel the need to work.
    “That’s kind of you to say, but that doesn’t change anything. Plus, I’ve already had this argum ent with Ailsa—I cannot just sit idly by while each day passes me by. I need to work for my future.” Alasdair had to admit he was impressed. He had never seen a woman so driven. Considering the trouble his lands had come to by the lack of his father’s planning, Alasdair thought if ever he decided to take a wife he would want to see this quality in the woman . Looking at Catriona, Alasdair had to admit she would make any man a fine wife. Aye, well, I cannae take a wife. But, that doesna e mean I canna e enjoy a willing woman ’s embrace .
    Deciding to test his luck, Alasdair reached for Catriona’s arm and pulled her to her feet so her breasts just grazed the front of his chest . Seeing no hesitation in her eyes, Alasdair smiled.
    That smile should be illegal! Catriona could feel her heart begin to race as she anticipated his next action. She expected him to once again kiss her, but instead he lowered his head to nibble at the se nsitive spot just below her ear; t he hairs on her arm stood as if she had been electrified. She still was not entirely certain she would pursue the fling she had been contemplating, but she thought she should let this continue—as a preview of sorts. Really Cat? You’re just gonna sample him—like he’s a box of chocolates?
    Alasdair ran languid kisses along her jawline until he reached the corner of her mouth. He paused briefly, increasing the anticipation before letting his tongue sensually trace the small parting of her lips. Nope, he’s definitely not chocolate. I’m the one that’s freakin’ melting. Opening her mouth to his, she felt her knees weaken as his tongue began to tease hers . And, he tastes waaay better than chocolate! Fortunately, Alasdair seemed aware of his effect, because he drew her in closer, letting his body support hers.
    Their tongues continued their sensual dance. Cat frequently tried to increase the tempo, but Alasdair did not appear to be in any rush. He continued to deny her until he heard her throaty groan of frustration. Backing her into the wall nearest them, he finally intensified the kiss as she desired. Cat let her legs separate a few inches to allow Alasdair full contact with her body.
    Sadly, this did not lead to the desired outcome . Rather than continue their embrace, Alasdair backed away. “This isnae the time nor the place.” He placed a quick kiss on her forehead. “Later.”
    Bu...aa…err…LATER? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
    Having grown concerned at Catriona’s long abse

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