trying to focus. She fidgeted nervously behind Ashley.
Raymond was thick and tall, with red hair and a face like a
bloodsucker. Ling had a thin face and long fingers that looked like
they needed something to do. He had the long black greasy hair of
some grunge band member. His black eyes never left Ashley. Kara was
sure he sought her approval, like a good little puppy.
    "We’re here in case you
fail, freak ."
Ashley sneered, and her minions snorted.
    Heat rose to Kara’s face.
"Who said anything about failing? I’ve never failed an assignment, and I’m
not about to start now."
    But Kara didn’t feel so sure of
herself. The truth was she was utterly terrified going on this
mission as a mortal. She felt her eyes sting and struggled to keep
them dry. The last thing she wanted was to shed angry tears in
front of Ashley. It sucked to be mortal right now.
    Ashley crossed her arms.
"We’ll see about that, won’t we? Ariel sent two teams on this
mission—and we’re going to complete the mission—not some half-baked
wannabe guardian. I don’t know what Ariel was thinking. The legion
always gave you far too much credit, if you ask me. The old witch
is going to kill you, you know. I’m going to get the old hag to help us."
    Kara sneered and stepped forward.
"Sure you are. Go ahead. Let’s see you try—"
    "Kara," interrupted David as he
pointed to his watch. "I hate to interrupt this lovely cat-fight,
but we should get going. It’s a twenty minute drive to Boscastle
from here, and it’s not like we have loads of time."
    Kara turned away from Ashley even
though she wanted to slap that stuck-up smile off her face
permanently. "Yeah...let’s go—"
    A sudden pain erupted in Kara’s head
like an explosion. White-hot fire burned her brain. The pain was so
intense she wished she could just pass out. A flash of white light
burst behind her eyes. She staggered and pressed her hands against
her head.
    David rushed to her side. "Kara, what
is it? What’s wrong?" He searched her face.
    Kara rubbed her temples.
    "It’s nothing," she said, feeling the
sudden pain lessen and disappear. "Just a massive headache—it’s
gone now—probably something to do with the pressure from the plane
ride. I’m fine—really—don’t worry about it. "
    The last thing she needed was for them
to call off the mission because they thought she might be too
    She felt sudden wetness drip from her
nose. And when she reached up and wiped it, red stained her
fingers. She frowned as she stared at the blood on her hand. She
had never had a nosebleed in her life. She knew David was watching
her. She dabbed the blood with a tissue from Mr. Patterson’s store.
After a moment the blood stopped.
    "Kara, you’re
freaking bleeding ."
    David’s expression darkened. "Is that
normal for you? Did you used to get them before?"
    Kara put the tissue back in her pocket
and did her best not to look panicked. "Not really—but it’s
nothing, look, it’s stopped now. It’s just a little
    David narrowed his eyes. "I have a bad
feeling about this, something just doesn’t feel right."
    Kara felt the strength return to her
legs. "David, stop looking at me like I’m about to faint. I’m
    "Didn’t look fine from where I am,"
said Ashley. "Sudden nose bleeds are a bad sign. It looked like you
were having a meltdown."
    Kara glared at the girl with what she
hoped was her best mean face. "I’m not. I’m perfectly
    "Oh, but you’re not—and
that was a
meltdown." Ashley matched Kara’s glare. "You’re obviously too weak
to finish the mission. It’s like I’re as good as
    David stepped up to Ashley. "Back off
air-head. Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid
    Ashley laughed softly. "I
feel sorry for you David. She’s a freak. I’m not alone when I say
that she should never have been allowed to join the legion in the
first place. You’d be surprised at how many true guardians want her gone.

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