friends. We came here to deliver a message and to discuss a few private matters with you,” Nikka said.
The Patriarch looked serious for several seconds, then smiled. “I have to admit that, since your father left here, there has been no laughter for me. So my demeanor is most likely serious in character. I apologize. I am also sorry that I do not know your name.”
“You don't? I am surprised, yet I shouldn't be. My father had arrangements with the rangers around our lands not to speak of us or our home to anyone. I am guessing that included you, or was specifically targeted towards you. My name is Nikkola, but please called me Nikka.” Nikka was sitting forward in her chair, elbows on her knees, eager for the conversation that she was finally having with her grandfather.
“Nikkola. It is wonderful to finally know. And it does not surprise me about your father's arrangement with the rangers. They were most of them comrades for the centuries he lived here in the palace. But what is done, is done. Now tell me what this message you have brought for me is about.” He looked over to Tynen.
Friesa saw how tense Tynen was, and didn't quite understand it. She would have to ask him about it later.
“My Lord,” he addressed the Patriarch as he withdrew the message from his belt. “I believe the general nature of the message is to ask for help in raising an army.” His hand shook slightly as he gave the message over.
The leader of the Nobles popped open the end of the message tube, shook out the letter and read it silently. After scanning it several times, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. Opening his eyes, he settled his gaze upon Friesa.
“My son is indeed asking for help to raise an army. He wants to find a way to turn more humans into Nobles. He stated that he may be able to find volunteers from his local village for this. Am I to assume that you are to be the first volunteer?”
Friesa's throat went dry, and her tongue refused to move.
“Grandfather, Friesa was not sent here by my father for that purpose. My father had intended to send only Tynen with this message, but we came along with him against my father's wishes. However, Friesa has volunteered herself to be turned. She is a very skilled smith and fighter, and would be a welcome addition to the Nobles who reside with my father and I.” Nikka had reached over and squeezed her hand, to help reassure her that everything was going to be okay.
“My Lord, I have no family to go back to and I am willing to dedicate my services and my life to the Princess and the war ahead.” Friesa glanced quickly towards Tynen as she spoke, hoping that she sounded confident.
“Very well. I will agree to think upon this for the night. We will discuss it further tomorrow. You are all my guests for as long as you wish it, and there will be rooms prepared for you. For this night I would ask you not to wander without an escort, until it is known that you are my guests.” The Patriarch rose and opened the door. “Please see that my guests are given comfortable rooms and have food and drink brought to them.”
The guard standing outside the door snapped to attention and addressed the trio. “If you would follow me, please.”
Friesa followed Tynen out the door, but turned to wait for Nikka. As she turned, she saw The Patriarch take hold of Nikka's elbow lightly.
“My granddaughter, I cannot tell you how much your presence here pleases me. There are many things for us to discuss, beyond the matters of growing the armies. I hope that you will stay a brief time so that we can speak more.” The Patriarch spoke quietly but his voice still carried to Friesa's ears.
Smiling, she turned back around to follow the guard, happy that her friend was finally finding answers to her mysteries.
Chapter 18
I n his library, all was quiet. It had not been so for several nights, and he relished the peace. He had lived mostly in solitude for the span of years that his