Regency Masquerade

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Book: Regency Masquerade by Vera Loy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vera Loy
wrong!”  Carleton felt more than a little shocked by
this plain speaking, especially when he realised he had been thinking those
very things himself.
lord, I am very sorry for the distress I have caused you, but I ask you to
remember that you were friends with Peter and to let me go.”  Frances said
quietly, not making any effort to free herself.
looked searchingly at her, “I must confess my head is still at sixes and sevens
over all this.”  He sighed and released his hold on her horse.  “I will not
force you to anything, but - I do not want you to return to London alone to be
hunted by Duverne.”
do not need to be concerned sir, I will manage,” she murmured.
was still considering, a frown between his eyes.  For the first time in his
life he was contemplating taking a mistress, but he knew it was too soon to
make the offer and only an idiot would have made such a suggestion now.  “What
if you stayed here for a few more days?  As Peter Francis.  Do you think we
could keep up the masquerade a little longer?”
was amazed. “Pardon?”
we return to our previous relationship, pretend last night never occurred?  I
have some business here I must complete, before I return to London.  I give you
my word you would be safe here.”
Carleton, are you certain of this?  You would be prepared to have me stay here
as Peter Francis, knowing what you do about me?” Frances felt bewildered, she
had been certain he would never forgive her for the deception.
companion was not actually certain about anything at the moment, except that he
did not want her to go.  This was the only way he could think of to persuade
her and to give himself some breathing space.  “My word on it.”
you!  I did not expect ... I did not think you ...”Frances struggled to express
her feelings, she felt close to tears.  “You are too kind.  I will accept your
offer but only on the condition that you tell me to leave if my presence
becomes ... inconvenient.”
Perhaps we should return?”  They cantered side by side back to the stables.

went upstairs to change and found that a new room had been prepared for her, a
few doors down from Carleton’s.  She still had a view of the front drive but it
was decorated in blue and cream without the rich wood panelling.  Her clothes
had been unpacked and put away, with the exception of course of those in her
locked bag.  A basin of warm water had been provided and she washed up before
going downstairs, feeling hungry after her ride.  A cold luncheon was laid out
on the sideboard and she helped herself to a large plate of cold meat while she
waited for his lordship.  He joined her shortly and they sat down at the table.
intend to call on the Squire this afternoon,” he advised.  “Will you be alright
indeed. I will practice my shooting if that is acceptable,” Frances replied,
relieved that he had not asked her to go with him.  She needed some time alone. 
Although she knew she could trust Carleton, he had given her his word, she was
anxious about whether his scheme would work.  She had noticed he was already
treating her differently than he had Peter Francis.  When they returned from
their ride, he had stepped towards her as if he would assist her to dismount, a
courtesy he would have offered without thinking to any woman of his
acquaintance.  Hastily she had swung out of the saddle protesting, “No - no, I
can manage thank you. I am quite recovered!”  Carleton had come to an abrupt
halt, realising his mistake.  “Of course. I’m sorry, Peter.”
Carleton was being welcomed by Squire Herbert and his wife.  Part of him was
conducting a civil conversation but another part was still thinking about
Frances.  He had yet to recover from the shock that she was a woman.  Immense
relief had been his initial reaction because it

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