Red Sky in the Morning

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Book: Red Sky in the Morning by Margaret Dickinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Dickinson
in the hospital on the hill in Ludthorpe and had lived in the nurses’ home there, the tender romance that might have blossomed between her and Eddie had withered. Pat had fallen in love with
a handsome night porter on the hospital staff and, eventually, Eddie had married Bertha. Pat’s husband had been killed in the recent war and sadly there had been no child from the union for
Pat to love and cherish in his memory. Her loving nature could now only find fulfilment in the care of her patients and nothing gave her greater joy than bringing a child safely into the world.
    ‘I’ve a bit of trouble on, Pat.’ Eddie stood awkwardly in the tiny kitchen, turning his cap through restless fingers.
    ‘Sit down, Eddie, and have a cup of tea.’
    ‘I’d love to, Pat, but I can’t stay. I need your help.’
    Swiftly, he explained how he had met Anna and taken her home with him. ‘Bertha doesn’t know she’s staying in me cottage. And,’ he added pointedly, ‘she
    ‘Oh, Eddie,’ she murmured, shaking her head at him in gentle admonishment, ‘you and that big heart of yours. It’ll get you into real trouble one of these days.’
    With wry humour, Eddie ran his hand through his hair. ‘I think it already has, Pat.’
    Pat pulled a face. ‘I have heard the tittle-tattle in the village. Not that I take any notice of it,’ she added swiftly, ‘or repeat it.’
    ‘I know you wouldn’t, Pat,’ Eddie said softly.
    ‘Anyway, right now we must think about this girl. You think she’s gone into labour, Eddie?’
    ‘I’m sure of it.’
    ‘Just give me five minutes to put me warmest clothes on and get a few things together and I’ll be with you.’
    It had begun to snow again as they started on the journey back to the farm, which lay about a mile outside the village. Pat, muffled in a mackintosh, scarves and wellingtons,
sat on the mudguard over the huge back wheel of the tractor. She had dispensed with her official district nurse’s uniform in favour of slacks and jumpers. She knew just how long this night
might be.
    Dusk was closing in as they reached the cottage, to see Tony standing in the doorway. There were tears running down the boy’s face and as soon as the tractor stopped and Eddie and Pat
climbed down, he ran towards them and flung himself against his father.
    ‘Come quick. She’s screaming and screaming all the time now and – and there’s water and blood too—’
    ‘Oh my God!’ Eddie muttered, but already Pat was hurrying into the cottage.
    ‘Now, ducky, here I am. You’ll be all right. Let’s have a look at you.’
    The man and the boy stood in the shadows, feeling helpless but unable to tear themselves away.
    Anna was bathed in sweat and clutching the sides of the mattress. She was crying out and writhing in agony.
    ‘Now, now, calm down. I’m here now and everything will be all right,’ Pat was saying, soothing the terrified, pain-racked young girl. Pat examined her swiftly and looked up,
smiling. ‘It’s only your waters broken, ducky. Everything’s just fine. Baby will be fine. Now, when’s your due date?’
    The girl’s head moved from side to side.
    ‘When did the doctor tell you your baby would come, ducky?’ Pat persisted gently.
    ‘Never – seen – a doctor,’ Anna gasped. ‘I don’t want it.’ Her voice rose. ‘I don’t want it.’
    Briefly, Pat left Anna’s side and crossed the small room to Eddie.
    ‘This isn’t going to be easy,’ she whispered. ‘She’s fighting it. Send the boy home, but you’ll have to stay, Eddie. I’ll need you. Get that fire built
up. Plenty of hot water and—’ Her eyes fell on the two dogs in the corner. She pointed in horror. ‘And get them out of here this minute.’ At that moment bleating came from
the next room and Pat’s eyes widened. ‘Oh, Eddie, don’t tell me! You’ve got sheep in there, haven’t you?’
    Eddie nodded.
    Pat sighed and shook her head. ‘Eddie Appleyard, what am I to do

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