Lusted in Las Vegas

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Book: Lusted in Las Vegas by Sandra Bunino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Bunino
Tags: Contemporary
body for support. His arms provided the stability she needed to remain standing.
    “My self-control is giving out,” Jason whispered in her ear as his hand inched upward taking her dress hem along with it. Stephanie felt the evidence of his arousal pressing firmly against her back. She tilted her head up to meet his gaze.
    “Let’s go,” she said with a coy smile.

Chapter 2
    The limousine whisked them to the Porta del Castello, known as “The Gates”. Massive wrought iron gates opened to the concealed property and the limousine wound around the dimly lit narrow cobblestone path to the last of three villas.
    “I still can’t believe this little oasis is hidden in the heart of The Strip right behind The Castillo. It’s like another world back here,” Stephanie said facing the window.
    The driver stopped in a wide courtyard lined with flowers. A grin crossed Jason’s face as he ushered Stephanie through the front door. His instructions were followed perfectly. The living room flickered with candlelight and soft music played in the background. Sinatra, of course, they were in Vegas, after all.
    “I see you’re working your magic again, Mr. Royce,” she said as she turned to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. A groan escaped from his mouth and he slipped his hand down her dress to cup her ass.
    “I’ve wanted to do that all night,” Jason said between an on slaught of soft kisses.
    “You have been doing that all night,” Stephanie giggled and swatted him playfully.
    He pulled away and led her to the bedroom where a bottle of champagne was chilling in a silver canister next to the turned down bed.
    “Champagne?” Jason asked, lifting his eyebrows.
    Stephanie nodded. "But give me a minute. I need to get ready for your surprise, stay right where you are.”
    Stephanie sashayed into the bathroom as he popped the cork on the champagne bottle and poured two glasses. Why was his heart racing? He’d never had a problem keeping his composure with women. But from the moment he saw her in La Luna his mood changed. She melted his usual gruff personality and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face.
    His eyes darted toward her voice. He sucked in his breath as his gaze skimmed up and down her body. Her long dark hair fanned across her shoulders in sharp contrast with the short white translucent baby doll negligee. Handing her a fluted glass of champagne, he hungrily surveyed her white g-string peeking through the lace. His gaze moved to her taut belly and finally up to her full breasts. There was a neat little satin bow tied in the sweet valley. Jason desperately wanted to pull the ribbon. He reached up to grab the end when Stephanie wrapped a thumb and index finger around his wrist.
    "Not so fast," she said and took a sip of champagne.
    Stephanie placed the glass on the dresser and gave him a devilish grin. Her hands moved slowly across his chest and under the lapels of his jacket. She slipped her fingers inside and pushed the fabric off his shoulders. The jacket puddled at his feet as her manicured index finger hooked under the knot in his tie and pulled.  She backed him against the bed planting light kisses on his neck while working the buttons on his shirt one by one. His cock begged to be unleashed with every kiss from her soft lips. Stephanie gave him a playful nudge and he fell onto the bed and tugged at her hands to bring her along with him.
    “No, not yet,” she said with a mischievous smile and forcefully placed his palms on the bed. Jason leaned back on his elbows, clenched his jaw and swallowed hard as her fingers teased the hair on his chest. Her hand continued down stopping low on his belly where one finger traced the dark hair that continued into his pants. Jason groaned while her long fingers made quick work of his belt and pants. His eyes never left hers as she took his cock in her hands. His thickness swelled when hit with the moist heat of her breath as her

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