Love from Left Field

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Book: Love from Left Field by Megan Ryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Ryder
Tags: Fiction, Romance
have analysts, don’t you? I’d get my ducks in a row with them and their data and present it to the staff in person. How far along are you with your data?”
    Cole spared him a glance. “We have subscriptions to all the major databases. But, we haven’t developed our own like many other teams.”
    Lucas cocked his head. “That’s unfortunate. You should consider expanding that department, maybe with people from other groups. I might be able to suggest a few options.”
    Miranda arched an eyebrow. “Now you’re willing to assist?”
    He shrugged. “As you pointed out, I was assigned to turn your team around. I can’t very well sit here and do nothing.”
    “Can we trust you?” Cole asked, skepticism in his voice.
    “Can you afford not to?” Lucas countered. “You have real troubles. But in this document, you’ve outlined an excellent strategy. You have no way to implement it correctly, not in the time frame you have. But Miranda has identified some good areas to focus on. I won’t lie. It’s not going to be easy but it’s better than doing nothing.”
    “Gee, thanks for the ringing endorsement.” Cole’s voice dripped with sarcasm and he sneered at Lucas.
    “Enough.” Miranda stepped around the desk and between the two men. “We will do this, Cole. I know you’ve been implementing this on a small scale, wherever you could get away with it. Players you’ve selected and brought up. A few you’ve traded for. I’m sure you’ve talked with Sam and his staff about this – changing defense to shifting more, changing our pitching. You would have never agreed to offer Patterson as much as you did if you didn’t think he could fit in with this model. All I’m asking is that you come into the open and go for it. We’ll be headed to Florida and our spring training complex in a few days to talk with the staff personally. Have a report on my desk by tomorrow of what we can do and how we’ll do it. Got it?”
    With one last grudging look at Lucas, he nodded once and stalked out of the office, closing the door carefully behind him.
    Lucas turned to watch him leave. “You would think he’d be happy to finally do what he wanted. I hope the rest of your staff is more agreeable.” Lucas spoke softly, pleasantly.
    Miranda swiveled on her heel and tilted her head to study him. “Frankly, I expected you to be less agreeable than you are. What changed your mind?”
    He tossed the stapled packet on the desk. “This is a solid plan. Given the right amount of time and other factors, it would work.”
    “So you’ve said,” she replied, coolly.
    He stepped closer, forcing her head up further. “And you were right. I have responsibilities and if you’re willing to work at this, then I should step up.”
    “Even if Roger disagrees?” She spoke quietly, voicing a critical question, testing his loyalty.
    “Are you questioning my ethics again, Miranda?”
    “I’m just seeing if you can be trusted.”
    “Don’t trust anyone, Miranda. This is business. Not a social club.”
    “Then you don’t belong to many social clubs, Lucas. I would trust more people in business than I would in social circles.” She turned on her heel and strode around the desk. “Is that everything?” She sat in her chair and clicked to waken her computer, ignoring him.
    “Not quite. You’re going to Florida? I’d like to join you.”
    “That won’t be necessary, Lucas. I can handle it just fine.” Her fingers tightened on the mouse and her gaze remained fixed on the screen.
    “Our agreement, Miranda, was that I would be at every meeting. Include me in your travel arrangements. I’ll talk with Cole about a few analysts who might be open to joining your team. They love a challenge.”
    He gave a slight bow, eyes never leaving hers, and he walked out of the room.
    Miranda let out a deep exhale and allowed her head to fall forward, a sudden attack of nerves finally allowed to escape. She drew in a deep, shuddering breath. She had

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