the nearby lake several times that trip. They all laughed and smiled and were filled with joy. The Sunday following that venture, everything changed. Thinking of them now, particularly her father, left a bitter taste in Emily’s mouth. In many ways, she despised him as much as herself.
“This way” Lucy was now turning down a hallway, distracting Emily from her thoughts. The corridor was lined with tan carpeting here. Plastered and painted walls overruled the log architecture previously displayed. It almost looked like a different house entirely. The ceiling was the only indication otherwise. It still displayed the lovely wooden design. The hallway itself seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Closed doors lined its sides, taunting Emily of the secrets hidden within. Finally one rested open, easing her curiosity. Stopping to glance inside, Emily saw a completely empty room with a ladder that reached up beyond what the door frame would allow her to see.
“This way, come on.” Lucy’s voice became demanding at Emily’s pause.
Wow…bitchy much? Emily kept the thought to herself and proceeded forward for the sake of her arm. They were almost at the end of the hallway now. Emily was surprised it actually had an end.
Lucy approached the last door on the right. “This is it.” She opened it and pointed her open right hand towards the room, signaling Emily’s entrance. Emily had yet to walk directly in front of Lucy. The thought of exposing her back made her feel vulnerable. Despite all the marvelous sights, she certainly did not trust the woman. After all, there were still far too many unanswered questions. I got it!
“After you” Emily nodded her head towards the room with an ever so polite smile.
Seemingly frustrated again, Lucy put on her acting smile and stepped through the door. “I hope you will grow to trust me,” she said smugly as though it was inevitable. It was the first time Lucy was so direct about her thoughts. It caught Emily so off guard and she didn't not know how to react. Thankfully, she didn't have to, as there was a tap on the open door.
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” The doctor’s voice was calm and collective. Emily could not help but wonder how he got there so quickly. She was certain she didn't hear anyone following them.
Then another, seemingly more important question crossed her mind. Where did he go anyway? It didn't make sense why he would have Lucy lead the girl solo while following immediately behind them. Only one thing was absolutely clear to her. Everything about this place is odd.
“I do not think we were properly introduced. My name is Ethan…..and you are?” Enchanted! Emily froze. With Ethan’s attention geared toward her, all of Emily's higher brain functioning ceased. She pushed past it, looking away at the floor, to regain herself. “I’m so sorry. I’m Emily.” The words eked out of her like a lunch lost. It was certainly not smooth, but it would have to suffice.
“Ok, Emily, may I ask you to take a seat, please?” Everything he said was firm yet gentle. Emily was starting to question her doubts about love at first sight. The thought of Kyle’s existence completely left her mind. “…so I can examine your arm” he insisted.
Again, Emily felt embarrassed. She scanned the room and immediately noticed a large bench that looked like one straight out of a hospital room. Wait….something about that is familiar… Without completely processing the thought Emily’s attention was drawn to the waiting eyes of Ethan and Lucy. She hastily rushed toward the unique bench and hopped up.
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Directly in front of Renee was a massive staircase of pure white. A fog rested above each step as though permanently held there by