By Design
Jameson’s line of sight and shook
her head when she caught sight of the subject of her friend’s attention sporting
the same expression.
was fairly sure that if anyone had been
paying attention, they would have noticed the ridiculous smile on her face. “If
you’ll excuse me,” she made her apology to Congressman Stanley.
course,” he said.
smiled and slowly turned her attention toward Jameson. Jameson wasn’t sure that
her feet were moving. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Candace. Candace was
wearing a dark green dress that hung slightly off of her shoulders. It sported
a plunging neckline that Jameson forced herself to lift her eyes from . When she did, she was met with a
pair of blue eyes that sparkled in amusement. The next few moments felt like
hours to Jameson as one person after another attempted to command Candace’s attention.
When she finally came face to face with the senator, her words were simple,
honest, and unapologetic. “You look beautiful,” she said.
smiled. Jameson made a stunning impression. Her black pantsuit was tapered in all
the appropriate places. The heels she wore placed her about an inch higher than Candace. Her make-up was subtle as it always was,
but her hair was curled and framed her face perfectly, bringing out the bright golden-brown eyes that Candace loved.
“Loved,” Candace thought silently. “My God,” she realized. That was exactly what she felt looking at Jameson
standing before her. “You clean up quite nicely yourself,” Candace winked.
lost you,” Dana said, coming even with the pair. “But, I see that you are in
capable hands,” she commented to Jameson.
do know where the bar is located ,”
Candace said without removing her gaze from Jameson.
sure you remember?” Dana chuckled.
Candace finally looked at her friend.
nothing,” Dana feigned innocence. “I am going to go find that man I call my
husband.   I’m sure the senator can lead
you to whatever you require,” Dana smirked.
raised her brow at Dana and then looked at Jameson, who was blushing furiously.
“Ignore her,” Candace instructed the architect. “Wine?” Jameson nodded
appreciatively. Candace stopped and whispered in Dana’s ear. “Stop scaring
her,” she said.
rolled her eyes as the pair walked away. “Is J.D. okay?” Steven sidled up to
his wife.
What’s wrong?” he asked.
turned to her husband and patted his chest. “Your best friend,” she began. He
looked at her in bewilderment as she continued. “Is in love with my boss.”
J.D….Wait, J.D. is in love with Candy?” Dana gave her husband a silly grin.
“Are you sure?” Dana nodded. “ Oh, shit.”
    “It gets worse,” Dana told her husband.
knows?” he guessed.
tipped her head. “Pretty sure; yeah.”
no.” He looked at Dana’s sheepish grin. “What aren’t you telling me?”
sure my boss is in love with your best friend.”
looked off in the distance to where Candace was handing Jameson a glass of
wine. “Oh boy. Maybe you are just imagining it.”
looked at the scene across the room and shook her head. “You think I’m imagining that?” she pointed.
took a large sip from the drink in his hand. “Can’t say I saw that coming. What
do you think she’ll do?”
one?” Dana giggled. Steve looked at her and smiled. “I hope she just kisses
her,” Dana said, taking the glass from her husband’s hand and downing a large
laughed. “Want to place bets?” she asked.
bet on Candy.”
handed the glass back to her husband. “You bet on my boss and I bet on your
best friend? That’s just wrong. What are we betting?”
J.D. kisses Candy first, I will take you
for drinks at Red Derby.”
in a dive bar?” Dana laughed.
so what do

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