Time's Divide (The Chronos Files Book 3)

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Book: Time's Divide (The Chronos Files Book 3) by Rysa Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rysa Walker
mission, and I’m very happy here with Prudence—we have several decades of catching up to do. And as I told you on the phone, we’ll be back in the States in a few weeks. Pru says she has business in DC and down in Florida.”
    “Is that a good idea?” Kiernan asks, his voice surprised.
    Prudence turns on him, eyes flashing. “You’re not here to question my decisions, Kiernan. I’m a far better judge of what’s a good idea than you are. Maybe you should run along home.”
    Kiernan shrugs, but the look he gives her answers my earlier question. If he’s moved on, it’s not with Pru.
    “Fine with me.” He pushes his chair back, nodding first at Mom and then at Trey. “It was a pleasure meeting you both.” He taps one finger very distinctly against the pocket of his jeans, where the light of his CHRONOS key shines through the denim. “Kate, you take care, okay?”
    Prudence watches him walk off, then says, “I’m going to run check on a few things back home. Let’s do the Eye at nine, okay? With more bubbles.”
    “That sounds like fun,” Mom says. “I’ll wait for you upstairs.”
    Pru has the medallion in her hand and is clearly about to jump away when her expression shifts again and she looks confused. “Where . . . was I going somewhere, Deb? I can’t remember.”
    “You said you needed to go home and check on some things, but . . .” Mom glances around at the other people in the restaurant. “Let’s go back to the room first, okay?”
    “Oh, no, no, no. I remember now. Tickets for the Eye. Should I reserve seats for Trey and Kate? Oh, and maybe one for Kiernan. You haven’t met him yet, have you?” Pru looks at the seat next to her, like she’s trying to remember something. “Or . . . have you?”
    “Yes, but only briefly. And don’t bother with tickets for Kate and Trey. They’re not staying.”

    September 10, 5:24 p.m.
    Once we’re back in Mom’s room, she spends the first several minutes chewing me out for not telling her everything from the beginning. At first she seems reluctant to really let me have it in front of Trey, but that fades quickly. When she has completely and rather embarrassingly vented, she demands the full story. Then she cross-examines me, and I have to tell it again. I feel like I’m back in Georgia, being grilled by Deputy Beebe.
    The clouds above the river are streaks of pink and purple by the time the interrogation is over. I don’t know if Mom ran out of things to ask or is just exhausted, like me. Even Trey looks tired, and he’s been on the periphery of the storm.
    Mom leans back against the headboard of the bed nearest to the wall and closes her eyes. I’m lying across the other bed, facing her. Trey sits next to me, holding the soda we’ve been sharing.
    After a few minutes of silence, I say, “You can’t stay here, Mom. Prudence is dangerous. I know you’re worried about her. I understand. Katherine’s worried about her as well. So’s Kiernan.”
    “And you?” Mom asks.
    I start to say that I’m worried about her, too. It seems like the polite thing to say, but I don’t want to lie. I’ve done so much of that lately, and Mom’s bullshit detector is probably on full alert right now.
    “I never knew her when she was different, Mom. Prudence has caused a lot of trouble for me. I don’t wish her ill—” I stop, thinking back to a few nights ago when I learned she’d been in Trey’s house, and amend the statement. “Well, most of the time I don’t wish her ill. But I am worried that she’s part of a plan that could kill many, many millions of people. And on a personal level, I’m worried she’ll hurt the people I love. Including you, Mom. I can’t just leave you here.”
    “She won’t hurt me.” Mom’s voice is flat and she sounds tired, but there’s no hint of doubt.
    “You can’t know that for certain.”
    “Yes. I can. She won’t hurt me. And I might be able to help her.” She

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