Magician Prince
open hand.
    “This is the rune that I made for her long
ago so that she could return to the Red Tree Clan,” Sane said
eyeing the wooden chip.
    “Sari asked that I give this to you once you
were rescued,” explained Byrn. “I can finish things in Aurelia. I
even have the backing of the king and queen to find a peaceful
solution assuming your attempt on Janus hasn’t change their
    “That is what you meant when you said that
you risked everything to save me,” deduced Sane. Byrn nodded.
    The old sorcerer felt spent beyond his years.
He was in his mid-sixties now and only had another decade or two if
he was lucky. Byrn did not truly need him. Perhaps he should retire
to the elven kingdom and live out his days-
    Kennath snatched the wooden rune from Sane’s
open palm and grabbed the staff at his feet. “If you’re having
second thoughts, I’ll be glad to take it,” Kennath laughed and
vanished from sight before either of the sorcerers could react.
    For a long time nothing was said, then Sane
smiled wanly, “I guess the decision has been made for me. For a
moment, I seriously considered using it, but in a way I am glad. It
would be a shame not to see this through to the end.” He stood up
and stretched his weary bones. “We should purchase passage
    Byrn pulled a short stick from a pack and
gave it to Sane. Power pulled from the sorcerer into the object and
he looked at Byrn, “What is this?” It was like a traditional staff,
but so much smaller that it could be hidden up a magician’s
    “It is a wand used by the dwarves. Can you
imagine them using a staff as a human would? The thing would be far
too cumbersome to be properly wielded.”
    Sane flicked the wand with his wrist and an
icicle appeared at the end and fell to the floor. “It will take a
little getting used to, but I thank you nonetheless, Byrn.”
    The younger man nodded in appreciation and
fished around for a few coppers from his pocket and cast an
illusion on them so that they appeared to be gold coins instead.
“This should get us far from the city, but first I have a friend to
collect. He should have been here by now.”
    “Who is this friend?”
    “A boy by the name of Kaleb. He is an orphan
from Colum who I crossed paths with recently.”
    “Is he a magician?”
    “No, just a boy in need of help.”
    After collecting up the packs, they headed to
the inn where Byrn and Kaleb had been staying. The plan had been
for Kaleb to meet them at the warehouse, but he never showed. Byrn
was worried, but he did his best to hide his concern.
    After a few minutes Sane asked, “What do you
think the Red Tree elves will do to Kennath when they find him in
my place?”
    “They do not take well to surprises or
unexpected visitors. He is probably already dead,” Byrn answered
showing no concern. His thoughts were still with the boy.
    “I was thinking the same thing,” Sane told
him in agreement.

Chapter 7
    The inn was completely dark when Byrn and
Sane arrived. It was to be expected since the moon still ruled in
the sky and morning was hours away, but the quiet and overwhelming
darkness left Byrn with an ominous feeling. The door was barred at
night, but it was of little concern when he could move the bar on
the other side with a thought.
    The door opened without complaint and the
sorcerers entered to find the common room in complete darkness. The
growl of Sane’s stomach as he looked longingly towards the kitchen
broke the silence in the otherwise empty night. He sheepishly
grinned at Byrn who was unsure whether to be annoyed or humored by
the old man at the moment.
    The second floor was no different and Byrn
held his breath as he turned the knob to his room. Kaleb could have
overslept. It was very late after all and he was a young boy. No
doubt he was not used to waking at odd hours or staying up late as
an adult would be. It was in a magician’s nature to be untrusting
and paranoid, especially in these

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