Joshua Valiant (Chronicles of the Nephilim)

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Book: Joshua Valiant (Chronicles of the Nephilim) by Brian Godawa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Godawa
agree with Uncle Othniel. If we could eat quail, I would help gather the firewood to cook them.”
    Joshua snapped a look at Nathan, who froze in terror. He knew better than to make his father angry.
    But Joshua was not angry. He was frightened for Nathan. “Son, what have I taught you about the Sabbath?”
    Nathan’s eyes were wide with fear. “ We are to do no work.”
    “And what would happen if you picked up firewood in rebellion against the command of Yahweh?”
    “I would be stoned by the congregation.”
    The conversation went uncomfortably quiet around the table. Hasina looked with pity on her little Nathan. He barely understood what he was saying.
    Joshua continued, “I love you with all my heart, my son. But our god Yahweh is a holy god and he requires our total obedience. If you rebelled against him, I would have to obey our creator and hand you over to the judges or suffer the same fate. That would break my heart more than anything in the world.”
    “Yes, father,” whimpered Nathan.
    Everyone felt so bad for Nathan. He was so young. But they also knew that Joshua was right. That Yahweh’s laws were to be followed with strict adherence. No man, woman, or child was above the law.
    Hasina knew that Joshua was speaking the truth. He loved his son more than anything on earth. But he loved his creator more, and that meant he would offer him up as Abraham offered Isaac, if Yahweh requested it.
    T he good news was that when it came to his uncompromising standards, Joshua was harder on himself than he was on others.
    Joshua turned to Caleb. “Let us go for our exercises.”
    As Moses’ assistant, Joshua had represented Moses’ command to the armed forces. Moses was the military general of Israel, but with age, he had given over physical leadership on the battlefield to Joshua as his chief commander.
    Joshua’s first proof of his superior skil ls had come early on in the exodus when he was appointed as field commander to lead their forces against the pillaging Amalekites. Joshua had been successful and had served as proxy general ever since.
    Caleb was a commander of thousands under Joshua, but also his right hand man, and the only one capable enough to personally train with his commander.
    Out beyond the camp in an open desert area, Joshua and Caleb engaged in battle exercises and fighting maneuvers with various weapons. As his elder, Caleb had taught Joshua everything he knew. Joshua had quickly become his equal but despite the age difference of a good twenty years, they were equals in stamina and intensity as well.
    They were both driven men. Driven by devotion to their nation, but also by unspoken secrets as well.
    Between them, however, there were no secrets held.
    “Yahweh said what?” exclaimed Caleb with a dodge and a swing of his sickle sword.
    “Mose s and Aaron will not bring Israel into the land that he promised us.”
    Joshua blocked wi th shield. They were predetermined forms of technique rather than actual sparring.
    “But why?”
    “Javelins!” barked Joshua. They dropped shields and swords and picked up javelins to use with new forms of workout.
    Joshua answered, “Because they did not believe in Yahweh or uphold him as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel.”
    Caleb huffed through his maneuvering, “He told Moses to speak. Moses hit the rock twice with his staff. That seems like a mistake to me, not a sin.”
    “ That is the difference between you and me,” said Joshua. “Battle-axe!”
    They dropped their javelins and picked up battle-axes, swinging in arcs to build their strength.
    “What do you mean?” asked Caleb.
    “You do not understand the holiness of Yahweh.”
    Swing, swing, swoosh , swoosh.
    “There is much about Yahweh I do not understand. He is full of mystery.”
    Swing, swing, swoosh, swoosh.
    They stopped to catch a breath.
    Joshua continued, “Yahweh’s commands are to be followed exactly, just like his law. When Moses hit the rock like it was his

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