In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low )

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Book: In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low ) by Renee Daniel Flagler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Daniel Flagler
There are reports filed against exes and cheating boyfriends every single day. As soon as some woman finds out that the man they want is seeing someone else, they come running to the police, crying wolf in an attempt to get back at them because they were rejected.
“So are they going to put him in jail?” I asked, focusing on Freddie’s lips as I awaited his answer.
“To be quite frank, yes. He will be processed and put through the system, and he’ll have to see a judge. They will determine if he gets to go home or if bail is set. If he has no other offenses then he will most likely be released on his own recognizance. I know most of these judges and since he has no priors, I doubt they will keep him. As for right now, all we can do is wait until he goes before the judge.”
“Freddie, thank you so much for helping us out with this.”
“No problem at all, honey. Anything for you, dear! Now let me see who I can talk to so we can get this to move a little faster. Come on, Brian. Let’s go handle this.”
My eyes met Brian’s. I grabbed his face and kissed him hard before dropping my head. Brian lifted my chin and stared into my eyes once again. The emptiness was gone and had been replaced with reassurance. Brian kissed the tears that began to run down my cheeks and I held on to him for dear life.
“I’ll be right here!” I assured him and swatted at my tears.
Solemnly, Brian and Freddie went to meet with Detective Johnson. I searched for a nearby chair and prayed that my weak knees would carry me to it. Not too long after they went inside, Freddie returned to let me know that Brian had been officially arrested and was in the process of being put through the system.
“Go home and get some sleep. I’ll call you in the morning and let you know what to expect,” Freddie said.
“But I…when will he get to come home?” I stammered.
“Hopefully, he’ll be home sometime tomorrow afternoon as long as the judge sees fit to let him go. Brian’s got a clean record so I don’t see that being a problem,” Freddie tried to reassure me.
The only thing that would have been reassuring to me would have been to see Brian walk back out those doors. But that wasn’t happening. I left the station and rode home in overwhelming silence, no music or anything. We had three and a half weeks left before our wedding day and I wondered what more could happen. Suddenly an even more fearful thought entered my mind—I wondered if Brian would be able to leave town after our wedding.
Chapter 12 Shelly
    “That wasn’t a good move at all, Shelly,” the caller scolded.
Shut up! Shut up! I kept thinking it but really wanted to say it instead. Again, this person was giving me the goods and I had to remember to keep some kind of balance when communicating with her, even though the last thing I needed from her was a reprimand.
“Well, he made me mad,” was all I could say to justify my actions.
“You have got to be kidding me. You are not going to get anywhere by getting him arrested. In fact, he probably doesn’t want anything to do with you now, regardless of whether or not you have BJ. You’ve messed up big time and I strongly suggest you find a way to make this up to him. Not to mention you are targeting the wrong person,” she said, almost as an afterthought.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. The woman had really piqued my curiosity.
“You are doing things to him to make him upset. That’s not going to get him to come back to you. It’s only going to push him further away. Your energies should be focused on her. Lexie’s got him smitten. I’ve never seen him so, quote-unquote, in love,” she said with heavy emphasis on the words in and love. “She’s your problem, not him. As long as she’s around, you don’t stand a chance.”
I felt like a light clicked on in my head. She was right. I was going about this the wrong way. I needed to get that damn Lexie out of the picture, and fast. I couldn’t seem to

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