Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2)

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Book: Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) by Harper Steen, Lesley Schuldt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Steen, Lesley Schuldt
a point. Maybe it really was time to try something different to advance his relationship with Liz.

Chapter 6
    Gray stared at the annual report he had gotten from Harold. He flipped through the pages without really looking at them. His mind constantly drifted back to what Chris had said during their last assignment. Chris’s comment gave him an idea he couldn’t let go.
    Could it be, that the tense relationship Liz had with her family had also come between the two of them? If he managed to bring Liz and her family closer, would she then finally turn to him? With a curse, Gray closed the file and pushed it away from him. He had lost his focus and could only think of his most pressing problem—his wife.
    It had become clear to him that Liz had to speak with Harold and John before they could come together as a family. That would mean she had to come clean with them about her life and her job. She withheld the truth from them and didn’t allow any candid contact between them. So Liz saw herself forced to suppress the obvious feelings she harbored for her father, her brother and also for Annie—a kind of self-preservation that had an effect on her whole emotional wellbeing. Helplessly he ran his fingers through his hair before he sank into the huge leather chair and stared at the black monitor. He couldn’t force Liz to confide in her family. If he did that, he would lose her. Still, on their failed wedding night, he vowed to himself, to never again force her to do something. Their marriage would remain the only exception. She had to approach Harold and John on her own. The only thing he could do was nudge Liz carefully in the right direction. He hoped that after a face-to-face with the Gibsons, Liz would finally open up to him and discover her love for him.
    Pleased with himself, Gray crossed his arms. A smile of anticipation showed on his striking face. He made up his mind—that’s exactly what he would do. Who could object to a dinner together or a casual meeting? That’s simply what families did. When Liz became aware of what she missed, sooner or later she would make the right decision. A decision that could only be advantageous for everyone involved.
    Gray was convinced everything would turn around. He reached for the annual report to finish his review of the information, when his phone rang. It was Townsend. Gray groaned.
    “There’s a problem, Blackwood.”
    “What kind, Sir?”
    “I’ll tell you as soon as you and Robbins are in my office. Where’s your wife?”
    “Liz and Jennifer are spending time at the shooting range and at the training center, enjoying their day off. Is this about a new assignment?”
    “Not for your wives. I’ll expect you and your partner in my office in two hours.”
    Before Gray could respond, Townsend had hung up. Townsend’s surly tone gave Gray an uneasy feeling. Even if it wasn’t about an assignment for Liz and Jennifer, he still guessed that the mentioned ‘problem’ had something to do with them. In his haste, Gray dropped the telephone on the desk and hurried to the door.
    “Sit down!” Townsend pointed to the two chairs in front of his desk. The lieutenant general’s expression was tight-lipped and seemed more pinched than ever. Deep lines were etched around his mouth.
    “What’s the problem you mentioned on the phone, Sir?” asked Gray, hoping it didn’t concern Liz and Jennifer. Apparently Chris had the same hope because his usual smile was gone.
    Townsend looked between them before he voiced the impossible. “We have to assume that hackers have gotten into our central computer. They have obviously extracted some of the files that concern one of my units. All active agents.”
    “I’d prefer you didn’t beat around the bush, Sir.” Gray leaned forward in his chair. “It’s about the TDAs, isn’t it?”
    Townsend nodded.
    “What about Liz and Jennifer?”
    “Unfortunately, they were among them. It involves six agents.”
    “What about

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