The Mercenary Knight

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Book: The Mercenary Knight by Elyzabeth M. VaLey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elyzabeth M. VaLey
night appeared when he stood in the doorway to the bedroom. For a moment, as he stood there glaring at them, she had glimpsed his desire, but he had shut it out and replaced it with rage.
    Tanya dressed as fast as she could, fastening her bodice as she hurried out into the hallway and outside. She rushed past the common room and into the stables. At the far end of the barn, she saw Conrad deep in conversation with the innkeeper. They stood next to a tawny horse, which Conrad was petting with an affectionate hand. The animal snorted and Conrad laughed. Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of his raspy laughter. She stood rooted to the spot, afraid to confront him. Unexpectedly, Conrad turned to face her and grinned like a little boy caught in some sort of mischief. Tanya couldn’t help smiling. He motioned with his hand for her to approach and her fear and worry evaporated at the sight of his warm reception.
    “ Good day, my lady.” The innkeeper shook hands with Conrad and bowed his head to her as he departed, a chinking pouch in his hand.
    “ What do you think?” Conrad asked her.
    “ It’s beautiful,” she replied, patting the horse’s nuzzle.
    “ It’s for you.”
    Tanya gaped at Conrad. She knew her face must have held an expression of pure shock because suddenly he laughed with mirth.
    “ For real?”
    Conrad chuckled. “Yes, I convinced the innkeeper to sell her to me. He promised that it’s a serene beast and it won’t give you any trouble.”
    “ You—you didn’t have to…” she stammered.
    “ I wanted to.” His clear eyes spoke volumes to her and Tanya had to remember to breath. Suddenly, the moment was gone as footsteps and loud speech broke into the stables. Conrad swiveled around and his countenance became stony as Gregorii and Wybert came into view. Desperately, she tried to recapture the moment.
    “ What’s her name?”
    He glanced her way and she felt as if she’d been slapped, so accusatory were his eyes.
    “ Dorada.”
    A soft knock caused Tanya to raise her head from the bed.
    “It’s me, Johann.”
    “May I come in?”
    Tanya sat up and wiped away her tears. She hesitated. She didn’t want to speak to anyone, but she felt rude denying entrance to one of the men that had been so kind to her.
    “Come in.”
    Johann walked into the room and softly shut the door behind him. He glanced at the stool in the corner and Tanya nodded, acquiescing that he could sit. The blond moved the chair to place it in front of her. He sat with a heavy sigh and crossed his left leg over his other knee. He leaned forward, elbows on knees and hands flexed before his face forming a triangle. His bright blue eyes studied her. Tanya stared at her fingernails waiting for him to say something.
    “You had a fight with Conrad.” It was not a question but a statement. Tanya lifted her head and nodded. “He is a good man, Tanya.”
    “I do not doubt it,” she said coolly.
    “He’s been through a lot, though he speaks little of it and love has never been part of his life.”
    “Love?” Tanya stood up, startled that the rangy man was being so outspoken. “No one has spoken of love—“
    “Are you as foolish as he, to deny your feelings?”
    “Personally, I think he was struck by you from the moment we found you in the forest. Even bruised you are a pretty striking girl.”
    Tanya said nothing as she began to pace the small room. She felt Johann’s eyes trained on her, observing her for any kind of reaction.
    “If he is so struck by me then why does he run away from me?” She spun around to face Johann.
    He shrugged. “Like I said, throughout his life there hasn’t been much love. Conrad’s used to being in control and the feeling of losing it…is more than he can handle.”
    Tanya shook her head and resumed pacing. She stopped and stared out the small window. The sun was slowly setting and the sky was alight with an impressive array of soft pastel colors. A

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