More Than a Mission

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Book: More Than a Mission by Caridad Piñeiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caridad Piñeiro
until he got to one page. He offered that to Lucia who took it and read while he explained further. “When digitalis is sold commercially, whether for injection or as a pill, it’s generally mixed with other ingredients. The analysis of the chemical breakdown solely showed the basic components of digitalis and cocaine.”
    â€œAnd one gets close to unadulterated digitalis how?” Aidan jumped in.
    This time it was Lucia who offered up the explanation. “According to this report, digitalis can be extracted from the leaves of a relatively common plant— digitalis purpurea —otherwise known as foxglove.”
    At his question, Lucia handed him the report, which included a picture of a plant.
    Aidan read aloud some of the description of the plant. “‘The common foxglove can be found widely throughout Europe and the British Isles. Foxgloves have hairy leaves and spiky purple flowers in July. The leaves and seeds can be used for medicinal purposes as they contain cardiac stimulants.’
    â€œElizabeth’s gardens are full of all kinds of plants, but I don’t recollect seeing anything tall and purple.”
    There was silence for a moment as both Lucia and Walker considered his statement. Then Lucia said, “It’s August. That description mentioned that the plant flowers in July.”
    â€œSo it’s possible the plant looks very little like this picture right now. Do you think you can get some more information on the Net while I talk to Elizabeth’s friends this morning?”
    â€œDon’t you think that might make Ms. Moore suspicious?” Walker asked and began collecting the assorted papers he had laid out for inspection.
    Aidan took a last gulp of his coffee and rose from the table. “It might, but it doesn’t seem like we have much choice. If the Quiz knew about the cocaine and the murder, what’s to say they won’t find out about the Lazlo Group and blow our cover?”
    â€œAidan’s right. We need to act quickly to get more information,” Lucia added.
    Walker hesitated, clearly uncertain about their plans, but he finally relented. With a nod, he said, “I’ll have to trust your judgment. Especially since it seems from past info that someone is feeding the Quiz news in order to discredit the royal family. In the meantime, do you have anything to definitively identify Elizabeth Moore as the Sparrow?”
    â€œLike someone with her body type sneaking through the cellar of her restaurant with Mitch’s gun?” Aidan said facetiously, growing irritated with the other man’s reticence regarding that part of the investigation.
    Walker held up his hands as if in surrender. “Okay, I get it. Too many coincidences that can only point to our chef being the Sparrow and Mitch’s killer. What we need to do is connect the Sparrow to the prince’s murder,” Walker reminded. “First, we have Elizabeth being near the estate at the time of the murder.”
    Lucia counted down another reason. “And a woman matching her description was seen with the prince.”
    â€œIf the prince died with a smile on his face, Walker, do we have any DNA at the scene?” Aidan questioned.
    The other man shook his head. “Not yet. I’ve brought in our own team to go over the area and reprocess the prince’s body. If the prince and the Sparrow engaged in sexual activity, there will be fluids. We should also try to find any DNA evidence that may tie the killer to the digitalis. If it is from a plant, maybe the DNA can provide a signature to its origins.”
    â€œMaybe I can find something similar in Elizabeth’s assorted gardens,” he tacked on.
    Walker glanced at his watch and then at Aidan. “You’re on at ten this morning and finished at eleven tonight?”
    Aidan smiled suggestively. “Unless I can entertain the lady the way I did last night. If I

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