The Door Within

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Book: The Door Within by Wayne Thomas Batson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wayne Thomas Batson
Tags: Ebook, book
    Its lengthy jaws opened, baring dozens of needlelike teeth—and it swung its head forward toward Aidan. Aidan cringed.
    But instead of the piercing pain of sharp teeth, he felt a huge, slimy, sticky tongue slap wetly across his face. The creature’s tongue almost knocked Aidan out of the bed.
    “I told you . . . you are safe here,” the voice said again. “The dragon’s name is Gabby. She likes you.”
    Aidan wiped some goo off of his face and stared at the beast. It ducked its head shyly, bared its teeth again, and began emitting a deep, rumbling purr.
    “Welcome to the Castle of Alleble,” began the melodic voice again. “You are a guest of the King, so you have nothing to fear.”
    It occurred to Aidan that the voice was not coming from the dragon.
    Aidan turned to the voice and nearly jumped out of his skin a second time. There at the foot of the enormous bed was a being— a girl. Aidan thought she was about his age, but he wasn’t certain.
    Her long gossamer dress of lavender was studded with brilliant multicolored jewels, and they sparkled, reflecting the flickering blue light of the candle in her left hand. But her skin, her skin was ghostly white, seemingly glowing in the shadowy room. Her eyes, like perfect blue gems, were ablaze and held Aidan still in spite of his fear.
    “You are very fortunate to be here. Many who wander off the path become lost. We sent Gabby to go and find you. I’m sorry she gave you such a fright.”
    Aidan could not speak, but his teeth ground audibly. The spectral girl guessed Aidan’s fear and spoke again. “You have never seen a being like me before. Do not fear. You could not be safer.”
    “Are you . . . are you a ghost?” Aidan asked.
    “Ghost?” she replied, considering the word. “No, I am not a spirit, shade, or apparition. I am a living Glimpse. I am very much like you, as a matter of fact.”
    “But you’re glowing, and I can see through you, uh—well, sort of,” he said. As Aidan stared at her, he realized that she wasn’t actually transparent. But when she moved, she shimmered like a bright reflection rippling in a lake at night.
    “No, your eyes just aren’t used to seeing Glimpse-kind.” She seemed to float around the bed closer to Aidan. “I have flesh and bone—here, touch my arm.”
    Aidan’s eyes bulged, and he backed again into the headboard. She reached for Aidan’s arm, but he jerked away.
    She had said he was safe, but Aidan was not yet convinced. Undaunted, she gently placed her hand on Aidan’s shoulder.
    “Trust your heart, for I am a friend,” she assured him. Aidan had expected her hand to feel cold and dead, but instead, her touch brought warmth and a wonderful tingle. Aidan looked up at her and was enchanted once again by her eyes. His fear left.
    She smiled and said, “My name is Gwenne.”
    “Uh, my ame is Naidan . . . er, I mean . . . my name is Aidan.” He felt very awkward. Mouth dry, cheeks reddening, muscles taut. She was kind of spooky, but she was also the most beautiful being he had ever seen. Of course, there had been a few girls at school who had caused Aidan to do a double take in the halls, but nothing like Gwenne. She was beyond physically attractive.
    Her movements were precise and athletic but graceful—like the act of walking was for her a dance. And every time she spoke it was like listening to a song, hypnotizing and dreamy.
    “Well-met, Aidan,” she said and made a brief curtsy. “I am very honored to be the first of my kind to welcome you.”
    “You are a Glimpse?” Aidan asked curiously. “When I read the Scrolls, I thought it was about people.”
    “The Scrolls you read are about people. You are in a region called Alleble, and Glimpses are the people of this land. This castle is the center of The Realm.”
    “How did I get here?”
    “You were called here.”
    “I was?”
    “Yes, silly, by the King. Gabby and I were allowed to get your attention from time to time, but it was

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