The Demented Z (Book 2): Desolation (Book 2)

Free The Demented Z (Book 2): Desolation (Book 2) by Derek J Thomas Page B

Book: The Demented Z (Book 2): Desolation (Book 2) by Derek J Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek J Thomas
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
Jenny’s pretty head poked over the edge.
  “We drew off a bunch of them, worked just
like planned.”
    “You did your part was afterwards that everything
went bad.”   Hank said.
    Before anyone could respond, Austin came climbing over the
top and said, “Where they at?   I thought
those pokes would be out by now.”
    “Shut up.”   Jenny
said. She looked back at Hank and
Dennis. “What happened?”
    “A few of the infected noticed them making a break for the
school. They started making
noises, calling to the others.   It
went bad real fast.”   Hank said.
    Dennis spoke up.  
“Smoke didn’t make it.”
    Jenny started to say something, but Austin butted in.
  “Wow, never thought that sneaky punk would
kick it.”
    “You’re an ass.”  
Jenny said. The last few weeks
had hardened her to death, but this one still hit hard.
  She had sat and visited with Smoke on a lot
of lonely nights. It was tough to stay
awake on watch in the middle of the night and they often kept each other company.
  Almost in a whisper, she said, “What about
Eddie and the other guy?”
    Hank said, “Tom...Eddie and Tom made it to the roof.
  Went in the access door
just like we planned.”   He looked
back over to the school.
“Been inside ever since.”
    Dennis added, “We think we heard shots, and then all the
infected grouped up over there.”   He
pointed to the area that was still clustered with infected.
  They still continued to siphon into the
building through an unseen opening. “The
infected are getting in somewhere.”
    “How long do we wait before deciding they’re taking an
endless nap?”   Austin said.
      “What’s your
problem?”   Hank said.
    “Hey, I’m being realistic.  
They are probably gone already.”
    Hank’s face was red with rage and he looked just about to
punch him in the face.
    Dennis placed a hand on his shoulder.
  “Take it easy...both of you.”
  He looked over at Jenny.
  “Why don’t you and Austin get back to the
hospital...Hank and I will watch for them.”
    Austin started to say something, but Jenny beat him to it
and said, “Good idea. Come on big guy,
let’s check on the others. I bet they
would feel more comfortable with some guns returning.”
    After the two of them were down the side of the tower and on
their way back, Hank looked over at Dennis and just shook his head.
  Dennis knew exactly what Hank was thinking
and just shrugged his shoulders.
    Hank went back to watching the school through his scope.
  There was still at least a hundred infected
remaining outside the building, most of them staggered around the open lawn, far
from the buildings walls. A cluster of
them were still swarming the far side of the building where they had gained
entrance. There was no way to see
inside, but both men knew there were now hundreds inside and if Tom and Eddie
weren’t already dead, they would be having a very tough time.
    Just as Tom and Eddie stepped out into the large hallway, a
mass of demented broke the door down that separated the computer lab from the
library. Knowing it would only slow the
rushing horde momentarily, neither of them took the time to close the door to
the hall. Instead they started sprinting
down the hall, unsure where they were going.
    Tom tried to picture the building layout in his mind and
where they were at. When they went over
the maps they made the mistake of only paying attention to the path from the
roof access to the cafeteria and kitchen.  
Now that they were outside of this realm, neither of them knew where to
    The terrifying sounds of demented spilling into the hall
behind them caused both of them to glance back.  
Dozens of infected had already emerged from the computer lab.
  They looked in both directions down the hall,
trying to locate their prey. Several
noticed Tom and Eddie. They screamed out
in rage and took off in pursuit. A
steady stream of demented continued to

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