“My second in command Luar, Blite and Fenin. They will keep you in sight at all times, until we find the traitor the Phrellian spoke of.” Core sounded grim. Protecting his people from the technologically advanced and overpopulating Phrellians was bad enough. Having to do so at with a traitor in his mist had to grate.
“The women might not take to you at first,” he warned. “But it’s more a fear of what you represent than who you are. You are a female warrior and unknown to our kind. Talian females live to breed, to see to their mates’ whims and needs.” He grinned at the look of disgust on her face. “In exchange, their mates live to protect and revere their women and children. We are an equally serving community. Neither gender is considered superior, only different.”
She thought on his words as they entered a bright room that resembled a nursery more than a cave. The rock walls were smooth. Animal hides lay scattered on the floor, providing comfort and softness for the infants crawling on all fours. Colorful paintings depicting scenes of women and children playing while men hunted and protected from all sides decorated the walls.
Past the nursery, Mal and Core waded through a sea of gray skinned, robust females. Mal likened it to a harem and had to stifle a sneer at the thought. Imagine living to fulfill some stupid man’s every need. A glance at Core made her wonder, for just a moment, what it would be like to cater to his needs. She could all too easily imagining Core worshipping at her feet, and she had to stifle a shiver.
A sudden movement to her left shook Mal from her imaginings. A nearby female stepped back the moment Core neared. She bowed her head in obvious deference. Mal thought her actions interesting, considering she’d seen some of others they’d passed do the same thing.
Core, apparently, was more than just a War Leader. She had a feeling the big guy could be likened to a king. The female made a face at Mal as soon as Core’s back turned, and Mal raised a brow and worked to conceal her amusement. Jealousy—a universal emotion. Gotta love the gods.
Compared to the female, Mallory appeared almost petite. Talian women seemed to be tall and voluptuous. They all had long, black hair and surprisingly pleasing, feminine faces. As pretty as their males were hard, yet both genders had that underlying sensuality to their movements and features that captivated upon first glance. Seeing the women up close, Mal wondered if the Phrellians wanted more from the Talians than just their land. Perhaps they coveted the females as well.
As she passed, the women eyed her with distrust and hostility, glaring from her to Core as they muttered to each other. Mal thought their prejudice a bit much before she caught mention of her and Core indulging outside.
She fought the blush threatening to escape. “Damn. Word travels fast around here.”
Core heard her, because he said, “Especially when Luar keeps informed.” He sounded happy about it, and she wondered if he felt like beating his chest for having conquered the foreign witch woman. “Fear not, Mallory. No harm will come to you here. No one would dare threaten my mate,” he said in a louder voice, sending a hush throughout the cave.
It took her a moment to gather her wits. “Mate?”
“Notice the way they look at you now.”
Talk about a one-eighty. His words had the women bowing their heads and gesturing with their hands to their hearts. Unsettled, though secretly pleased, Mal tried to ignore the way his words made her feel. Confused yet happy beyond sense, she reminded herself he had good reason to settle hostilities with falsehood. The caves weren’t all that large, and dissention in so tight a space wouldn’t do anyone well. More than likely, he hadn’t meant what he’d said.
“The wounded?” she reminded him.
“We’re getting there. I have to see to the women first.”
He sighed. “Because that’s the