Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2)

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Book: Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2) by J. Darling Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Darling
third thing you can do is tell me what you’re thinking when you look at my
shoulder.” Oh boy, there was something to this, because she turned bright red
and quickly dropped her head. He needed to know. “Jules, you can tell me.
Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
inhaled deeply, while looking worriedly off to the side, then she began
wringing her hands. “I…I…umm, I…” She let out the breath she was holding, and
turned away from him. “I…,” she rubbed her face, “I wonder what it’d be like
to…ahhh…rest my head there.” Then she put her hand over her face, covering it.
hell, she wanted to snuggle up with him. Screw that, what she was really
telling him was that she wanted him to hold her.
she whispered, without turning around.
at me.”
shook her head. So he walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.
It was an intimacy, but he felt the time was right, “Precious, look at me.”
That got her attention. Slowly, she turned around, lifting her gaze little by
little, and what she saw, was him standing there with his arms open to her.
“Come here,” he said softly, taking her in his arms and holding her tight,
while kissing her head, and breathing in the deep scent of cloves. “I’ve wanted
this from the moment I saw you at the airport.”
back, she looked up at him with wide eyes. “You have?”
he answered, nodding his head, while gently putting her head back on his
shoulder. After a few minutes, he asked, “Well, you wondered what it’d be like,
so how is it?”
let out a long sigh, then cuddled in tighter, while nuzzling his neck.
“It’s…it’s…divine, Jake.”
hell, that did it. His goose was cooked. He was so enamored with her, and he never
wanted to let her go, ever. She thought it was divine, and he thought it was
heavenly, so weren’t they a pair. “You have your choice, you can come upstairs
and let me hold you on the couch, or we can go to my bedroom. But one way or
another, I’m going to hold you for the rest of the night. So what’ll it be?”
up at him with that beautiful angelic face, and those stunning blue eyes, her
hair everywhere, she shocked the hell out of him when she said, “The bedroom.”
nearly fell to his knees. He thought for sure it’d be the couch, but no, it was
the bedroom. Holy hell, he could do this. God help him. He could do this.
her settled, he turned out the light and removed his shirt, leaving the rest of
his clothes on. Walking over to the bed, he crawled in next to her, taking her
in his arms. They settled in next to each other, he mostly on his back, she on
her side with her head on his shoulder and one hand on his chest. Taking his
time with her, he soothed her, rubbed her back, and held her.
she whispered after some time.
her head back, she looked up at him, “Kiss me, please.”
she didn’t have to ask twice. Bending his head, he put his lips to hers,
starting slow. Soon, she moved to her back, pulling him with her. Once he was
over her, she ran her hands up his arms, over his shoulders, and into his hair,
kissing him with all she had, putting him through his paces, working him out,
and making his head spin while stealing every ounce of his breath.
heaving and breathless, he put his forehead to hers. The fact that she was a
novice wasn’t proving to be a hindrance here. It’d been the most passionate
kiss he’d ever had, and she’d just claimed his heart. She was, without a doubt,
the one for him, and hell if he knew what to do about it.
that okay?” she whispered. “Did I do okay?”
it wouldn’t have been the most inopportune time, he would’ve fallen over
laughing. She was worried about being a bad kisser. She was, indeed, precious. With
complete sincerity, he answered her, “You’re a phenomenal kisser, Juliet

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