Stone Rose

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Book: Stone Rose by Megan Derr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Derr
Tags: M/M romance, fantasy
drove the other way."
    It wasn't until the sudden silence that he realized what he had revealed. Culebra was afraid to breathe and slowly withdrew his hand, trying to come up with the right words to brush the whole matter aside.
    "I thought, and maybe I have always misunderstood, but were you not protected by brothers?"
    "Yes," Culebra said tightly, balling his hands into fists in his lap, appetite ruined, the lingering lust buzzing beneath the surface gone. "They were brothers. They loved me and each other. We were three against the world. I understood them, they understood me." He stood up. "I—I understand if you prefer to be on your way, my lord."
    Turning, he began to count steps to his room—and froze in surprise when a hand closed around his wrist, and Midori dragged him close, right up against that wonderfully-muscled chest. "I admit it is shocking news, but I have seen stranger in my travels. That aside, all know that the Faerie Queen, the Pegasus, and the Unicorn were lovers before they were Lost. If the gods can set a precedent of siblings who are also lovers, I do not see why their children cannot follow it. I am sorry the death of one lost you both."
    Culebra opened his mouth, then closed it and could only tremble against Midori as the fear left him. Whatever he had expected from his careless admission, it was not acceptance. "You are quite compelling," he said eventually, soothed by Midori's easy caresses, the way the scent of them lingered on his skin. "I am very happy indeed you came to visit, though I'm sorry I can no longer call you Captain."
    "For the first time I begin to think there is good reason to no longer be a captain," Midori said quietly. "Would you care to return to the table and finish eating?"
    Shaking his head, Culebra finally, reluctantly, pushed away from Midori. "I'm feeling restless. Would you care to see my snakes?"
    "I would be honored," Midori said and drew him back to steal a kiss. "Will I be rewarded for my fortitude?"
    Culebra laughed. "Generously. No one since Granito and Dario has ever made it past the threshold."
    "Well, I am made of sterner stuff than that," Midori said and led him back into the bedchamber.
    Half an hour later, dressed and nervous, Culebra opened the door to the greenhouse and stepped inside. "Is there enough light for you?" he asked.
    "Yes, the moon is quite bright," Midori replied. "By the storms, that is a lot of snakes. They really won't hurt me?"
    Culebra stepped further into the room, then turned and extended a hand, terrified that Midori would not take it. "The snakes do as I say, and I promise that while they may get curious and explore, they'll never hurt you."
    He almost laughed from relief when Midori took his hand and moved into the greenhouse. "They're truly incredible. I had no idea it was possible to have so many snakes—so many different snakes—in one place. I am fairly certain that some of these would gladly kill and even eat each other."
    "Snakes always find their way to me, and they seem content here, from what I can sense of them. The greenroom is peaceful. Even the most dedicated assassin will not venture here to find me."
    "Then they're not very good assassins," said a rough, smoky voice.
    "What—" Culebra broke off as Midori let out a startled cry and fell to the floor, landing on Culebra's feet. "Midori!"
    Rough hands grabbed him and clapped a rag over his mouth. Culebra struggled, but the fumes made him dizzy, made it hard to breathe. He threw his weight back, sending him and his captor toppling and then rolled away and ran deeper into the greenhouse.
    The snakes—why weren't the snakes attacking? He could feel the hum of their feelings in the back of his mind, but they were dulled, as though the snakes were drugged somehow. Why hadn't he noticed sooner? Midori was a delicious distraction, but that was no excuse for being careless.
    Now Midori might possibly be—
    No. He could not think that. They'd just knocked him out.

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