Troll Fell

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Book: Troll Fell by Katherine Langrish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Langrish
and the trees sighed sadly. WereHilde’s scary stories true? He hoped with all his heartthat Loki kept away from this dark water.
    Uncle Baldur didn’t seem bothered. He trampedroughly up the path to the sluice and showed Peer awooden handle, which worked the sluicegate. He stoodon a narrow plank bridge and simply tugged the gate up.It slid up and down between grooves in two big timberposts. He banged some wedges in to keep it stuck inplace. A vigorous rush of water boiled from the bottomof the sluice, filling the air with thunder, and the greatblack water wheel stirred into life! Peer stared infascination as the giant paddles endlessly descended tostrike the water.
    â€œIt is powerful!” he whispered.
    Uncle Baldur brought him sharply back to life with aclip round his ear. “You’ll do that job next time,” he said.“And don’t hang about here after dark, or GrannyGreenteeth will get you.”
    Oh, he cares! Peer thought sarcastically. “Who is Granny Greenteeth?” he enquired aloud, rubbing his ear.
    â€œShe lives at the bottom of the pond,” said UncleBaldur grimly, “which is why there’s no fish worthcatching. She likes to come up at night, the old besom.So look out!”
    Peer looked over his shoulder as they walked back tothe mill. It was now almost quite dark. But what was thatpatch of weeds floating in the shadow of the trees?Could it be the spreading hair of Granny Greenteeth,rising from her slimy bed? He heard a quiet splash – wasthat a fish? He hurried after his uncle. The night breezewhispered in the bushes – only the breeze – but whenhe heard rustling steps and panting breath, he panicked.Granny Greenteeth was after him! Or who knew whatelse lurked about this awful place? Uncle Baldur’s greatstrides carried him on ahead. Peer rushed after him.Something crashed through a nearby bramble bush andleaped on to the path. Peer’s heart nearly stopped: thenhe saw it was Loki.
    â€œLoki!” he gasped in relief. “You crazy dog!” Relievedto have found him, Loki gave his coat a good hard shakeand lashed his tail. Peer hugged him. “Come on,” he said,and they ran into the yard together.
    Uncle Baldur had already gone into the house andfetched himself a light snack of bread and sausage. “Putthat dog away,” he commanded. “Then you can go anddo the chores. Sweep the stalls. Feed the pigs. Go and seeGrim, he’ll tell you what to do.”
    â€œUncle Baldur,” said Peer faintly. “I’m awfullyhungry.”
    â€œAnd not a mouthful will you get till your work isdone,” said Uncle Baldur sternly. “We have no use forgreed and laziness here.” And so saying, he took a hugebite from the chunk of bread he was holding and stuffedthe sausage in after it whole.

Tales of theDovrefell
    A mile or so further up the valley, Hilde was eating supperwith her family. The savoury smell of roasting crabs filledthe warm room. Through mouthfuls, she told her familyall about the day’s adventures. Eirik and Gudrun listened,frowning seriously, while Sigrid and Sigurd played on thefloor with the kittens.
    Gudrun shook her head. “Your father should neverhave left!” she exclaimed anxiously. “I’ve said to him athousand times, we’d have trouble with those Grimssonboys, but will he listen? He’s too easy-going, that’s histrouble.”
    â€œWell,” said Hilde, reaching for more bread, “Youcould give them the golden cup, I suppose.” She cockedan eyebrow at her mother, grinning faintly.
    â€œOver my dead body!” said Gudrun promptly. “I’venever wanted the thing, but it’s your father’s pride andjoy. They can’t have it.”
    â€œI thought you’d say that. Well, I’d better ride up tothe Stonemeadow now and again, don’t you think? Tokeep an eye on the sheep up there?”
    â€œOh, no, you

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