Black Hawk Day Rewind: An action packed spy thriller (Mark Savannah Espionage Series Book 1)

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Book: Black Hawk Day Rewind: An action packed spy thriller (Mark Savannah Espionage Series Book 1) by Dominick Fencer, Baibin Nighthawk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominick Fencer, Baibin Nighthawk
    “Shortly, I’ll introduce you to your new operational team. You’ll be working with Stein, Moore, Wilson, Jenkins and Hayes on the ‘Uday, the one who runs fast’ mission.”
    At 8:30 in the morning, the five men entered the room and closed the door behind them.
    “Gentlemen,” began Braxter. “This is Mark Savannah, the British agent who provided the information concerning the Uday Bouda matter from Pakistan.”
    Mark introduced himself and shook everyone's hand.
    “You’ve been briefed on the mission and what Savannah has been doing until two days ago. You also know that you have been summoned as a working team because you are all experts in special reconnaissance missions and anti-terrorism actions.
    “Savannah sent us the contents of the hard disk of the laboratory thought to be Bouda’s. At first it seemed there was nothing of interest, then we identified a file containing a flyer advertising a Pakistani IT company. The file contained a link to their website, which you can see now on the screen.
    “Browsing the website we found the usual information, a presentation of the company and its services, accompanied by a series of photographs.
    “Actually it's digital steganography, breaking down the different images, our engineers have identified the pictures that you can see at the bottom of the photo; each picture has a tag with the same date.
    “As you can see, it’s the image of a nuclear power plant and in the background you can see Uday Bouda in person, the date is November 20, 2007…four days ago.
    “The power plant is located at Fessenheim in the French region of Alsace.
    “Bouda has apparently chosen to sabotage the plant and to place all Europe under threat.
    “Fessenheim was the first power plant to be built in France in the seventies and has two old PWR reactors; it’s located near both Germany and Switzerland; in addition, it was built near a fluvial hydropower you can imagine the magnitude of the disaster, which could in turn trigger a domino effect in neighboring countries.
    “Your task is to thwart the attack without causing trouble. You will have the support of the French service; as planned, Savannah will terminate Bouda and will also be in command of the operation.
    “To prevent leaks there will be no survivors: the world will never be aware of the attempted sabotage.
    “You will leave the bodies on the ground: a team of cleaners will remove them and clear up all traces; the bodies will be taken back to Kabul in Afghanistan where, as planned, they will die “officially” in a firefight with UK and U.S. forces.”
    A secretary entered the room without knocking and left another stylized black and white drawing in front of each of them.
    “The hologram will be available in 10 minutes and will remain active for two hours; afterwards it will self-destruct as usual. Gentlemen, you will all leave for France tomorrow afternoon, I will be your only contact...that's all, thanks...meeting started 8:30 am, ended 10:15 am.”
    Braxter sent the message to the central unit and left the room followed by Randles.
    “Hey, Savannah, would you like some coffee?” asked Jenkins in a friendly tone.
    “Why not? Thanks,” Mark said.
    “Very well, let's go down to the cafeteria, it’s the best coffee in the whole district, and we can briefly talk before going to study the instructions,” Jenkins replied, smiling.

    The cafeteria consisted of a single very large room with many tables, and was clean and tidy; they asked for coffee at the counter, took it to a table and sat down.
    “Are you a psychiatrist, Savannah?”
    “Yes, and you? What’s your background?”
    “I’m a musician.”
    “A musician, I play the tenor sax.”
    “Very interesting, so the CIA is looking for talent with multiple gifts as well...I guess you have the gift of absolute pitch...and as you play a transposing instrument...perfect feeling for the notes and

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