The Freefall Trilogy (Complete Collection)

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Book: The Freefall Trilogy (Complete Collection) by Sadie Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Mills
Josh explained quietly.
    'The clock?'
    He grinned.
    'Yes, the clock,' he nodded.  'And the house.' 
    Josh grabbed her hand.
    'Come on,' he shuddered.  'I'll get the fire going.  It's bloody freezing in here.'
    She perched on the edge of the sofa, fiddling with the label of her beer bottle, watching him as he crouched over the hearth.  There was a framed photograph on the mantelpiece; Lucy squinted at it.
    Is that her?
    She couldn't make it out.
    Lucy was beginning to wish Froggy hadn't told her about the girlfriend.  It wasn't his fault - she did need to know.  No wonder Josh was funny about her driving.  She thought back to his text that first day they met, warning her to be careful on the roads, cringing as she remembered how she'd almost teased him (like jumping out of a plane was perfectly safe). 
    She sat on his sofa, drinking his beer, playing with her hair.
    Maybe they lived here together?
    Her fingers caught in the knots.  She pushed it behind her ears, scanning the room. 
    She spotted a huge vase in the corner, filled with pampas grass.  Lucy took another long glug.
    She must have been here at least.
    She skimmed the DVD collection on the far wall.  It was too far away to see the titles.  She glanced at Josh, then down at the rug he was kneeling on.  It looked oriental; a bit chintzy.
    Did she choose that?
    Lucy frowned, biting her lip, eyes skimming the sofa, settling on the plump new cushions.  Men don't do cushions - everyone knows that.   Her eyes flickered.  Her stomach lurched. 
    Maybe he had sex with her here. 
    Some girl, who was probably very nice, no doubt very pretty, died before she should have, in a tragic accident.  Here was Lucy, casually swigging beer on a dead girl's sofa, in her chocolate box house, waiting for her boyfriend to make a move. 
    Froggy didn't say how long ago it happened; it didn't really matter.  If she hadn't died, he'd be sitting with her.  They'd probably be married by now.  They'd probably have kids.  Lucy didn't belong. 
    'Are you all right?' Josh called back.
    'Are you sure?  You've been awfully quiet tonight.'
    'I'm fine.'
    Josh sank back on his haunches.  The fire started to crackle.  Lucy could already feel the heat of it on her face.
    He hauled himself up and wandered over the sofa.  She went on playing with the label of her bottle, feeling the sofa sink as Josh sat down beside her.  She didn't look up, engrossed in the task of attempting to peel the label off in one clean piece.  Josh watched her for a minute, then reached out and grasped her hand.  Lucy finally looked up at him. 
    'I can sleep down here tonight,' he told her.  'I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you or anything, I just thought it would be easier if you stayed here.'
    She nodded back at him, mouth slightly ajar.  She couldn't speak.  It felt like he'd just punched her.
    'Do you want me to put the TV on?' Josh asked.
    Lucy glugged her beer, trying to get it together.  She crinkled her nose and shook her head.
    'Music then?'
    It was very quiet.  She could still hear the clock ticking out in the hall.  Right on cue, the owl started hooting.  It was too quiet.  Lucy smiled and nodded. 
    Joshua watched her for a moment, squeezing her hand, then wandered over to the hi-fi system.
    'I like him,' Lucy nodded as David Gray's voice floated out from the speakers. 
    He must have the CD on random.  That track was right near the end.
    'So glad you approve Miss Simkins,' Josh grinned, sinking into the sofa beside her.  He sat closer this time.  Lucy felt a tug and watched him pull the bottle from her fingers, cheekily taking a swig and clunking it down on the coffee table.  Her stomach fluttered as he pulled her into his lap. 
    'I know I went overboard today,' Josh blinked up at her. 
    She hesitantly placed her hands on his chest to steady herself.
    'And I know that Froggy's tried to explain why.'
    Lucy took a tiny, sharp intake of

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