brides for brothers 03 - cowboy groom

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Book: brides for brothers 03 - cowboy groom by judy christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: judy christenberry
But Anna did.
    Pete signaled for Anna to follow him to the door.
    “Janie didn’t sleep well last night,” he whispered after she stepped outside.
    “Thanks for telling me. I’ll keep an eye on her today.”
    Brett turned back. “Hey, Pete, you flirting with Anna? I don’t think Janie would approve.”
    Pete growled at his brother’s teasing and leapt off the porch to head for the barns.
    “You know that wasn’t what he was doing,” Anna scolded.
    “I don’t know. You’re pretty hard to resist, little Anna.”
    The grin he shot in her direction had her heart turning flips. She gave herself a stern warning. “You’d better be careful yourself. Sylvia might be down to breakfast anytime now. She wouldn’t take too kindly to your flirting, either.”
    “I’m safe. Sylvia won’t be up for hours. I know her well.”
    He’d probably spent a few of those morning hours with Sylvia, Anna reminded herself. All the more reason to keep her own response to the cowboy under control. “Isn’t Jake waiting for you?”
    “You trying to get rid of me?”
    “I’m trying to keep you out of trouble.”
    His hand came up to cup her chin. “Then we have a little problem, Anna, because I don’t think about behavin’ when I’m around you.”
    Her breathing sped up, and she scowled at him. “You’re a terrible flirt, Brett Randall. Someone should warn Sylvia.”
    He stared at her, a wry look on his face. Finally he turned her loose and straightened. “Yeah. See you this evening.”
    Before she could steady her heart, he was on his way to the barn. Thank goodness he hadn’t hung around. She’d have melted at his feet in no time.
    She returned to the kitchen, trying to focus on the reason she was there, not on Brett Randall.
    “Pete’s hovering again, isn’t he?” Janie asked.
    “He’s being a good husband.” With that remark, she turned her attention to the breakfast she’d abandoned when Pete had summoned her.
    “Little lady, you haven’t eaten your eggs this morning,” Red noted a few minutes later. “Are you feelin’ poorly?”
    Anna jerked her head up at Red’s comment. “Oh. No, not at all, Red. I was just…thinking about my day.”
    “Got a busy one?”
    “Well, I have a couple of calls to make. Not too bad, actually.” She seemed to be going through a light caseload, with only five patients right now. Which left her too much time to stew about Brett and his fiancée.
    “Well, whatever is ruining your appetite must be affectin’ Janie, too,” Red commented with a frown.
    Anna whipped her head around to stare at Janie, sitting down the table from her. How could she have gotten so distracted by Brett that she hadn’t noticed Janie’s pale face?
    It didn’t take long to determine that Janie should spend the morning in bed. Anna felt guilty for having left her alone the day before to go into Casper with Brett.
    The fact that Janie wasn’t protesting going to bed told Anna that she was in need of rest. Janie usually fought any pampering.
    When Anna got back to the kitchen, Megan asked the question she’d been holding back, afraid Janie might hear.
    “Is she all right? Is it time?”
    “Her blood pressure is a little high, that’s all. I’ll check in with Doc, but I don’t think she’ll deliver yet.” Anna crossed her fingers that she was right. The babies weren’t due for another four weeks. The longer Janie could carry them, the healthier they would be.
    She crossed to the phone and dialed Doc Jacoby’s home. Though he held office hours every other Saturday, it was too early for either him or the nurse, Mrs. Priddy, to be there.
    After a brief conversation, Anna hung up the phone. “Doc agrees with me. She probably just needs rest. We’ll keep her in bed all day today.”
    “Will you be making your calls?” Megan asked.
    “No, Doc will make them. I’ll stay here with Janie.”
    “Does that mean she’s in more trouble than you’re telling me?” Megan sounded anxious.

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