The Wedding Date

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Book: The Wedding Date by Jennifer Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Joyce
    Delilah: Eh?
    Ryan: Code Red. I’m on a date with that girl I met on Twitter. Code Red means she’s a fruitcake so you need to phone me with an emergency so I can get out of here
    Delilah: Do your own dirty work! Pig!
    Ryan: Come on, Delilah. Please!
    Ryan: Code Red!
    Ryan: CODE RED!
    ‘See anybody you fancy?’
    Lauren and I are standing out on a muddy field, pretending we’re not utterly miserable as Ryan’s football team plays against another local school. Ryan is in his element, jogging up and down the perimeter while yelling encouragement to his pupils. This isn’t my favourite way to spend my Saturday mornings but Lauren and I try to support Ryan whenever we can’t think of a reason to get out of it and, it turns out, when I’m on the hunt for a man.
    ‘I keep telling you, this isn’t about fancying anybody.’ I blow on my fingers to try to warm them up but it doesn’t work. ‘I’m not looking for an actual boyfriend.’
    ‘I know, I know.’ Lauren rolls her eyes. ‘You’re looking for a temporary love interest.’
    ‘Love doesn’t even come into it!’ My heart isn’t going anywhere near this project. It’s in tatters enough as it is.
    Lauren lets out an exasperated puff of air. ‘It’s a figure of speech.’ We both jump as a roar erupts around us; Ryan’s team has scored a goal. We cheer along and pretend we’ve been paying attention to the match. ‘But you have to find the guy attractive, right? You can’t date somebody you don’t fancy.’
    ‘I can.’ And I will – it’ll probably make this whole project easier. Nothing muddies a plan like raging hormones.
    ‘What if you met somebody seriously hot and he asked you out?’
    ‘I don’t know.’ I haven’t had to face that dilemma as I haven’t really found anybody ‘seriously hot’ since Ben. I’ve found men cute and charming and I’ve even had a bit of cheeky flirting going on with a few, but that’s just a bit of fun.
    Ryan looks our way so Lauren and I jostle about a bit and shout out a few ‘nice shots’ and ‘come on, boys’ to show our enthusiasm for the match.
    ‘What about that guy over there?’ Lauren asks once Ryan’s attention is back on the field and we can act naturally again. ‘He keeps checking you out.’
    ‘Who?’ I have a good look around at the spectators but Lauren grabs me by the arm and pulls me in close.
    ‘Don’t make it so obvious,’ she hisses. ‘But the guy with the red trainers.’
    I look down at the ground until I spot them. I’m suitably impressed when my eyes trail up the body. ‘I suppose he is pretty cute. Is he seriously checking me out?’ My answer comes when he turns to face me and gives me a wide smile. ‘Oh, cripes. He’s coming over.’
    Any hint of bravado leaves my body as the bloke comes to a standstill in front of me.
    ‘I haven’t seen you here before, have I?’ It’s only a tiny fairy step up from the gag-tastic “do you come here often?” line but I find myself forgiving him, mainly because he’s cute and could be a contender for Project Wedding Date. Lauren and I don’t make these trips to the football pitch a regular occurrence but we do occasionally turn up and I haven’t noticed him before either. But then I have been walking around in a bit of a daze since Ben. Deciding to date again – in whatever form – has obviously opened my eyes to cute guys again, which can only be good news.
    ‘That’s my nephew, Lewis.’ He points out one of the boys but I can’t tell which one – they all look the same to me – but it’s one of Ryan’s lot and not the opposition.
    ‘We’re here with the boys’ PE teacher.’ I point out Ryan, who is yelling something across the field and waving his arms about.
    ‘But he’s just a friend,’ Lauren chips in. ‘Delilah’s single.’
    My cheeks burst into flames. I’d forgotten how excruciating dating can be. It was never like this with Ben, which proves how right we are for each other.

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