Castle Dreams

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Book: Castle Dreams by John Dechancie Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Dechancie
eludes me.” Tragg sniffed.
    Baldon intervened, “I'm sure Lord Tragg means no such imputation."
    â€œI know he does. But no matter. My lords, I must leave. Uh, one thing more. The funeral."
    â€œA grand state funeral, of course, Highness."
    Trent nodded. “Yeah, with all the trimmings, I expect. When?"
    â€œAccording to canon law, the body must lie in state for ten days—"
    â€œTen days? Preposterous. And I'll bet no embalming is allowed either."
    â€œCorrect, Highness. But a spell of preservation will be cast."
    â€œRight,” Trent answered dubiously. “Still, ten days..."
    Baldon raised his hands in helpless appeal. “There is no relief from canon law. Am I not right, Renalto?"
    The small man next to Baldon nodded. “As Minister Plenipotentiary for Religious Affairs, it is my duty to see that canon law is obeyed to the letter. I shall do so."
    â€œVery well,” Trent said. “I'll not object to any of the mummery if I get a quick reply to my proposal."
    Hivelt said, “I think we have a deal on that, at least. We ... Your Royal Highness, is anything wrong?"
    A rivulet of sweat was making its way down the line of Trent's jaw. He gave his head a brisk shake. “Not a thing. I have to go. Messenger your decision to me as soon as possible."
    â€œYou will be where, sir?"
    â€œClub Sheila. I must leave the castle for a while, but I'll be back."
    Trent got up and strode out of the room. The door slammed shut behind him.
    Baldon said, “The curse. He can't stay in the castle for long."
    â€œAnd he wants to be king!” Tragg looked around. “Will no one back me?"
    â€œBack you in what?” Hivelt said.
    â€œIn thwarting the bastard, of course!"
    Lord Renalto put his fingers to his lips. “Tragg, curb your tongue!"
    â€œI care not whose spies are eavesdropping. The man must be stopped."
    â€œHow?” Hivelt asked.
    â€œBy whatever means at our disposal!"
    Hivelt groaned, shaking his head. “I share Trent's aversion to squabbling and intrigue. I'm inclined to cave in to him just to avoid all that."
    â€œThen you are a coward, sir!"
    Hivelt smiled weakly. “A seasoned one. I have spent three hundred years perfecting my talents."
    Baldon said dolefully, “The legal fees will be ruinous."
    â€œA pox on the legal fees!” Tragg shouted.
    â€œIf we challenge Trent's claim, the fees will be extracted from our personal salaries,” Baldon said grimly. “And if we don't challenge, Trent will be king, not just regent."
    Hivelt said, “It seems, my lords, that we are between the rocks and the whirlpool. I vote for the rocks. I say we go for Trent's deal. Last time: Are there any other objections?"
    â€œI am in debt to my ears already,” Baldon muttered. He had commiseration around the table.
    Tragg looked left, then right. He banged the table, rose, and stalked out of the room. The door slammed again.
    Everyone leaned back and exhaled. There was a sense of relief, however dour the upshot.
    â€œSomebody yank the bell pull, please?” Hivelt said.
    â€œLet's wait till after lunch,” Morrel suggested. “We have that much face to save, at least. Make him sweat a little longer."
    â€œVery well,” Hivelt said, rising. “I eat a lot when I get depressed. When I eat a lot, I eat Oriental. How about you guys?"
    â€œThat suits me,” Morrel said brightly.
    The sundry ministers of the King's Privy Council began to file out of the room.
    When the door closed again, only Lord Yorvil was left.
    He was still cackling to himself, smiling craftily, drumming the table with one wrinkled, skeletal hand.


    Fill in the blanks:
    1. The setting of the story is Castle _________.
    2. The master of this strange, enchanted castle is Lord _____.
    3. The magical doorways in the castle, leading to other worlds, are called ______.
    4. The opening scene in this story

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