KnightForce Deuces

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Book: KnightForce Deuces by Sydney Addae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Addae
Tags: IR - Paranormal
to a secure area, limited staff, draw his blood and find out how
the hell this shit entered my compound. I want answers now!”
Silas stood. “Until I know what happened, we are quarantined.” He
turned to Damian. “You’ll be staying in the lab for
    “Yes, Sir.”
    Heart heavy, Silas stared at Froggy’s wolf and
sighed. “Hank’s pulling the cameras to see who entered, or if
anyone tampered with anything. Damian find out what he had for
dinner, who prepared his food, or came in contact with
    “Yes, Sir.” Damian shot out the
    Hawke turned the wolf over and examined him.
“Can you return him to his human form please?”
    Silas released his hold on the wolf and he
reverted to a man.
    “A team is bringing a gurney to take him below.
Dr. Passen is handling the autopsy. I’ll do the blood work.
Whatever he ingested or absorbed into his system destroyed both the
man and the wolf in less than 30 minutes. Like everyone else here,
he’s been eating the root I brought from the continent, so this is
different,” Hawke said standing.
    “What’s going on?”
    “Froggy died. Not sure what happened yet but
I want you, the kids, Rose, Danielle and Victoria to go below
ground. Everything there is tamper proof. I’ll have Tyrese and
Danielle come to the nursery to help with the kids .”
    She didn’t say anything for a few minutes.
“ Baby, I’m sorry about Froggy, I know you go way back with him.
Let me know what you find out, okay?”
    He released a breath, pleased she wouldn’t
fight him on this. There was a bucket full of things he needed to
tackle. “ Of course, stay open and listen in from time to
time .”
    “Alright. Love you.”
    “Love you too .” Silas stood back as two
men in hazmat gear rolled a gurney in the office and loaded Froggy
onto it. Hawke left with them.
    “Tyrone? Tyrese?”
    Silas filled them in on what happened and gave
them instructions to get Jasmine and the pups to the tunnels. Next
he contacted Jacques and sent him to the tunnels with
    “Tell Asia I want her and Sarita to
accompany Jasmine and my pups. No one is to enter without clearing
it through me. Tell her she’s in charge of security.”
    “Thank you, Sir.”
    A few minutes later his forensics team entered.
He made sure they understood what he wanted done and left the room.
What happened to Froggy? Nothing looked out of the ordinary. It
made no sense.
    Silas cancelled his trip to Maryland. He
contacted Cameron and shared the little information he had. No one
would be allowed inside the complex, not even the state Alpha.
Cameron agreed.
    Movement inside the compound was restricted to
work areas and living quarters to cut down on cross contamination.
Since Silas had no idea how the poison was administered or when, he
shut everything down while they continued their investigation.
There was a remote chance this was an isolated incident but he took
every precaution just in case.
    News of Froggy’s death swept through the
compound. The older wolf was well-liked and highly respected. Silas
read questions in the eyes of his staff. How was Froggy killed?
This place was a fortress and yet a beloved member of their pack
    Silas wanted answers just as much as everyone
else. He returned to the gym and searched each level for clues.
Nothing. He bypassed Froggy’s office, allowing forensics time to do
their job and went to Froggy’s personal rooms. There were photos of
him and Detective Jenkins, a police officer killed by Corrina
Griggs. A photo of him and Stefan, the former Alpha trainer and
several pictures of Silas, Jasmine and his pups. A few of Damian
holding Sarita and Hawke with Asia. The place was neat and clean,
just as Silas suspected it would be given Frog’s personality. There
were no letters or mail, nothing from outside the compound. Silas
wasn’t sure if that was normal and wondered if Froggy stashed his
correspondence elsewhere.

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