Jason Deas - Benny James 02 - Pushed

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Book: Jason Deas - Benny James 02 - Pushed by Jason Deas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Deas
Tags: Mystery: Thriller - P.I. - Florida
think it will greatly help you in finding him.”
    “OK,” Benny said. “Would you like to come to Florida or would you like me to come to Mississippi? I don’t want to be away from this area for too long, but I can take a day or two and do a lot of driving and be back if it is that important.”
    “You underestimate me,” Reverend Jim laughed.
    Benny was not sure what to say and did not speak.
    “I’ll send my personal plane. Are you still in West Palm Beach?”
    “I am,” Benny answered. He couldn’t remember if he had told the Reverend if he was in West Palm Beach or not, and the thought of him keeping tabs on him without his knowledge bothered Benny.
    “That is where Ms. Martin was reporting from this morning,” Reverend Jim said. “I just assumed if she told you about the missing waitress, she told you in person.”
    Benny breathed a sigh of relief and felt silly for being paranoid. Now he just felt judged—like Reverend Jim somehow knew with his Godly wisdom that he was sharing a room with Rachael and having wild sex.
    “That is correct. I saw her at breakfast this morning, and she gave me that tidbit of information,” Benny sort of lied. “We shared information on my last case and I did inform her that I would not be able to have the same working agreement on this case,” Benny sort of lied again.
    “Thank you for honoring our contract,” Reverend Jim stated. “Did she know anything outside of what she reported about Charlene Mc… what is it?”
    “McGill,” Benny answered. “Her name is Charlene McGill. And no, Rachael doesn’t know anything more than what is being reported. She said that there is very little hope, though. Charlene is not the type of person who just disappears. She has never missed work and it just was not in her personality to do something like this. The outlook is not good.”
    “Shame,” Reverend Jim said with a deep sigh. “I hope she is just off, forgetting the time and date and my son has nothing to do with this.”
    Benny heard the slapping sound again. This time there was no question about it—it was the hard slapping of flesh.
    “I’ll send instructions and a plane,” the Reverend abruptly hung up.
    Benny stared at the phone, wondering what information was so important that Reverend Jim would send his personal jet to pick him up.

Chapter 13
    As Benny walked into the lobby of the Sea Chief, he was greeted by FBI agent Jessica Flynn. To a casual observer, Jessica did not look anything like an FBI agent. She resembled a girl who had just stepped off the beach in Miami, washed off her suntan lotion, and put on a business suit for the fun of it. Her attitude and her bulldog personality told a different story.
    “Benny James?” she strode toward him as he walked in the door. Benny was still singing Kenny Rogers’ hits in his head.
    “Who’s asking?” he put on his game face, recognizing FBI immediately. 
    “FBI,” she answered, thinking it would impress him.
    “Been there, done that, honey. Tell me something I don’t know,” he smiled.
    “I know who you are, Mr. James,” Jessica said, loosening up a bit. “Could I buy you a drink in the bar?”
    “If the FBI is footing the bill, I’m going to drink myself silly,” Benny answered.
    “It is,” Jessica answered, with the beginning of a smirk.
    “Let’s get started with some Dom Perignon.”
    Benny followed her to the bar and tried as hard as he could not to stare at her backside. It swung back and forth in front of him with perfection. He could not pull his eyes away. When she took her seat, and turned around to look at him, he looked off into the distance, as if he was completely disinterested.
    He finally focused back on her. “How can I help you Ms. …?” Benny acted as if he couldn’t remember her last name. In reality, it was burning a new hole in his brain and fighting with his allegiance to Rachael.
    “Flynn.” She smiled and swatted his knee with her fingertips.
    “I was

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