My Lady Mage: A Warriors of the Mist Novel

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Book: My Lady Mage: A Warriors of the Mist Novel by Alexis Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Morgan
thickened with emotion. “Somehow Rogue managed to dislodge the cat and stomp it to death, saving who knows how many of our other horses. Unfortunately, when the stable master attempted to treat the wounds, Rogue was out of his mind with pain and terror. He struck out, breaking one man’s arm and another’s leg.”
    Kane fed the horse another apple. “I’m surprised they didn’t put him down.”
    Merewen nodded. “Most of them wanted to, hoping to offer him a kinder death than what he’d face from the infection that was sure to follow. I begged my father to spare him. He finally agreed, but only if Jarod and I could coax Rogue into letting us treat his wounds.”
    Gideon joined the conversation. “I’m guessing that was an uphill battle.”
    “It was, but Rogue eventually let us care for him. Even though his wounds healed, the experience taught him that it hurt when people touched him. That spoiled him for any kind of normal training.”
    Rogue snorted loudly and shook his head, as if he’d been following the entire conversation and agreed with her conclusion. Even Kane’s mouth quirked up in a small smile.
    She gave him a considering look. “I am exceedingly glad that you and Rogue found each other, Kane.”
    The warrior seemed at a loss how to respond. In fact, if Gideon had to guess, he suspected his friend was actually embarrassed by all the attention, and so intervened.
    “Lady Merewen, perhaps it is time we make plans.”
    She looked up to the sky, probably to guess how much time had passed. “Yes, we should. My uncle knows that this is my usual day to check on the outlying herds, but he expects me to return in time to serve the evening meal.”
    Gideon frowned. In his experience, the lady of the manor had the duty of choosing the menu and overseeing its preparation. She certainly wasn’t expected to do a servant’s work. It was obviously just one more way her uncle had found to humiliate Merewen in front of his men and any visitors to the keep.
    His men knew it, too. They had crowded close, their expressions fierce enough to have Merewen looking apprehensive. He felt an unexpected urge to plant himself firmly between her and his friends, and even took a step in that direction despite knowing full well they would never lift a hand to harm her.
    Duncan shot him a questioning look. “Lady, perhaps you’d like to sit down.”
    He offered her his arm and gestured toward a downed log near the water. She allowed Duncan to lead her inthat direction, leaving Gideon no choice but to follow. He wasn’t particularly happy with Duncan right now, but it was for the best. They’d all learned a long time ago to maintain a certain distance when it came to the people they were called forth to serve.
    Emotions only clouded judgment. Besides, their time was limited, and friendships made it that much harder to return to the cold loneliness of the river. Anyone they’d met would be long dead by the time Gideon and his men returned to walk once again among the living. He knew better, but something about Merewen was bringing out every protective instinct he had.
    All five men arranged themselves around her, each keeping a wary eye on their surroundings lest someone had been sent to spy on her actions. Even the horses stood facing outward, watching both the river and the woods with their ears pricked forward and listening. They didn’t seem anxious, merely vigilant.
    Although he suspected he knew the answer, Gideon asked the question anyway. “Did your uncle learn that you’d been out of the keep when he returned?”
    Merewen shook her head, but as she did, her hand immediately started rubbing her other arm as if soothing a sudden pain. Her uncle might not have beaten her, but either he or someone else had treated her roughly. Gideon noticed Kane’s hand had strayed toward his sword, as if ready to defend her.
    “He suspected I was lying to him but couldn’t prove it. I did learn why he thought I had disobeyed him

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