Bound to Surrender (South Jersey Bound Series)

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Book: Bound to Surrender (South Jersey Bound Series) by Tess Lamont Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tess Lamont
and soothing grey. His relatively new furniture looked masculine but relaxing. She could be comfortable here.
    “Have a seat,” he said. “Drink?”
    “No, thanks, but you go ahead.”
    He lifted the beer already in his hand and she bit her lower lip. “I was getting myself a drink when I saw your car.”
    “Your place is different than I expected,” she said.
    He snorted. “Did you expect some sort of BDSM dungeon with rows of caged sex slaves?”
    She wrinkled her nose. He deserved at least one zinger.
    “On the second thought, I think I’ll take that drink.”
    “All I have is porter and energy drinks.”
    “Porter’s my favorite beer.”
    He made a low groaning noise. “And she likes dark beer, too.”
    He opened a bottle and started to reach for a glass.
    “Don’t worry about a glass, the bottle’s enough.”
    “Even better,” he said.
    She ran her fingers across the cold, wet bottle as Bryce sat at her side.
    “I saw Michael today.”
    He sucked in. “How’s he doing?”
    “I could ask you the same question.”
    His gaze flitted between her eyes. “He asked me not to tell you we had talked. Look, I’m sorry. He called me for help with tryouts, and then ambushed me. I guess those kids at the ice cream shop were more aware than we thought. Word traveled fast.”
    “Well, he was going to find out sooner or later.” She held her breath, but he didn’t speak. “That is, if we are still ‘seeing’ each other.”
    Bryce ran his hand through his hair.
    “Are we?” she asked.
    The million-dollar question.
    She had said she was scared, and he’d vowed to give her space so she could figure things out. Keeping his distance these past few days had taken every ounce of his strength, his control. Hell, he would have left her in the car if he hadn’t become worried she’d suffer heat stroke.
    “How would you like me to answer?” he asked.
    “I will always tell you the truth. But, I’m asking for your opinion, not your advice.”
    “My opinion? To quote a poet I know, ‘there is together and there is apart. The choice is always made in faith.”’
    “And?” he prompted.
    “And, I want together.” She closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. “I really want together.”
    He could not deny her, or his gut’s primal call. But he could control the pace—slow and steady.
    “If we are going to make this work, we have to get as comfortable with each other out of bed as we are in it.”
    “I know,” she said.
    He set down his beer. It was a shame to waste his drink after only a few sips, but there were more important things than getting hammered. He picked his keys up from the coffee table.
    “How about a date, Ms. Welch?”
    She looked up as if he were joking. Her cheek dimpled and her skin flushed with what he hoped was happiness.
    “You’re asking me out?”
    “Definitely.” He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. She stood on her toes and leaned in, hesitantly kissing his cheek.
    “Thank you,” she said. “I’d love to go out with you, Mr. Walker.”
    He brushed her hair from her face. Those eyes of hers were deep and soulful and turned up to his in hope and fear and trust. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
    “Since we’re dating now…” she started.
    She eyed him askance. “My friend Lisa is getting married tomorrow. Would you like to come?”
    “A little late for an RSVP, no?”
    “She invited you.”
    He quirked a brow. “Did she?”
    She swallowed. “I’d like you to meet my friends, though I know weddings suck and I understand if you—”
    “If it’s important to you, I will be there.”
    She sighed, giving him a look he could live on for weeks.
    “My librarian,” he whispered. He captured her lovely sweet lips in a light kiss, warm and right.
    Her lip trembled. “I want this to work.”
    “Shh,” he said. “We’ve got this.”
    She nodded.
    “Let’s go eat.” He tucked her hand against his

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