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Book: Brutal by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
about lunch?” asks Max, laughing.
    “Not hungry,” she says and sashays away. No, really, she fucking sashayed. Staring at her ass I have to wonder if she walks like that all the time or only when she’s pissed.
    “She really is a sweetheart. She just doesn’t like to feel like her freedom is being taken away. Be patient with her,” he says, and I realize that he really does care for her. I don’t fucking like it, but it's reality.
    “I can be patient. As long as she listens,” I say, which is total bullshit
    “No time like the present. You better catch her before she leaves, or you’ll never find her.” He laughs and walks away. I’ll give my girl a head start, let her think she’s won the first round. Finding her wasn’t going to be a problem anyway.


    S hit.
    Of course, his voice is deep and rough. Deep and rough? Really, Venessa? Ugh. Snap out of it, whore. God, this may not have been such a great idea. I can’t think straight around that large man. That voice…fuck me, but that voice is unreal. Like it’s hardly used. I’m pretty sure, as much as I miss my family, I’m not getting a one way to paradise, so do I give in to the ultimate temptation? Can I survive that kind of sin? Shit. Would I even want to? Would anybody?
    I find a bench and sit down in an effort to mellow out. Macy is a great listener, the best even, but I feel horrible calling her all the time. She’s busy, has her own stuff to deal with, but she’s a people person. Macy knows how to work a dress and heels, go out to events, and work a crowd. Macy Kowalski is pure class, always has been. Which is a miracle, given her upbringing. Macy was born to make a difference; she’s also the only person that gets me.
    “Two calls in less than 12 hours. Are you dead or dying?”
    “Define dying. Can you die from sexual frustration?” I mean, it’s a legitimate concern.
    “God, I hope not. What a way to go.” She sighs. “But this isn’t about me. What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing’s wrong, I just…I hoped I’d see him again, then I did just now, and my body goes haywire and my mind blanks. I don’t like this, Macy. Max hired him, I knew he would, but I don’t think I can do this.”
    “You’re nervous. I’d worry if you weren’t, but hey, you will never do anything you don’t want to do again. Say it,” she commands me.
    “I’ll never do anything I don’t want to do,” I say. “Macy, I’m scared.”
    “Good. Being scared means you’re paying attention. A man worth having won’t scare you. He’ll protect you in every way. In return, you’ll protect him. That’s how it should be,” she decrees.
    “Listen to me. I already sound like a sure thing. How many twenty-seven-year-olds do you know that are afraid of sex?”
    “Just one, but she’s a god damn warrior who’s been to hell and back. I’d love for you to meet her, yeah? She’s this kick ass hero, who saves her best friend and beats up bad guys in her spare time. She’s also the most loyal person I know. I really think you’d love her,” she says quietly, and I want to cry. But I remember that I don’t cry. Not anymore.
    “Macy?” I whisper.
    “Yeah, I know, Venessa. I know,” she answers, then she disconnects because, yeah… she does know.
    I sit there a few more minutes, wondering where to go next. I bailed on Max, so he can assume I’m pissed about the shadow thing. I mean I am pissed, but not at Max. At myself. I heard Max say it’s a 24/7 gig. My breath starts quickening just thinking about that. I don’t do well with company for long periods of time. Macy is the only one who gets that. Why can’t everyone else? The club, I can handle, but the rest? Shit… I can’t focus on this right now.
    Finding Darnell this morning was pure luck. Trying to talk to that guy is work, meaning he doesn’t say shit unless you threaten him. It’s weird, but it works, we get on fine, we respect each other’s' boundaries. His

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