Saving Jazz

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Book: Saving Jazz by Kate McCaffrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate McCaffrey
I could run from forever. She was making a habit of missing the bus — I could only wonder what she was telling her parents to get them to drive her in each day. I sat at the back of the bus with my headphones on. Jack was still absent and though I’d thought he was such a coward before, now I really understoodwhy he couldn’t face anyone.
    When I arrived at school, I was surprised by the lack of interest in me. Sure, there were a few looks, guys sharing their phones around. But what was the point in worrying if the images were of me feeling Annie up? Everyone had seen them. I just had to find Annie and apologise.
    The hallways were quiet. It was like today was a rostered day off for most students. I walked to home room. Where was everyone? I put my bag in my locker and Mr Taylor, the Dean of Year 10, came by.
    â€˜There is a full-school assembly in the gym, Miss Lovely,’ he said. I know I was in a full state of paranoia, but did he look at me disapprovingly? Did he know what had happened? Why was there an unscheduled assembly? As I neared the gym I heard the voices of the school, but again, it sounded different to normal, not as raucous, not as loud. It sounded subdued.
    â€˜What’s going on?’ I asked Paige, a girl from my homeroom. Her eyes flashed something, I don’t know what — disgust?
    â€˜Not sure,’ she said, ‘but some shit’s gone down.’ And then I wasn’t being paranoid — she turned herback on me. I moved into the gym with the others and sat in the Year 10 section. No Jack. No Annie. No Tommy. I was the guilty party without a party. I hugged my knees. The principal stood behind the lectern.
    â€˜We have a very grave situation unfolding here at Namba High School,’ he said, and my heart sank. This was about the party, the pictures, the rape. Annie. ‘The relevant authorities have been called and parents are being notified.’ I saw them all look my way. At that point I wished I was dead. I hugged my knees tighter. ‘Annie Townshend attempted to commit suicide last night.’ And then my ears went deaf. I couldn’t hear the words he was saying. I watched his mouth moving, but I couldn’t hear a thing. Annie had attempted to kill herself. Annie was dead? Or wasn’t? I got to my feet. Every head in the gym turned my way. But I moved to the side and looked at Mr Stock. ‘Toilet,’ I mouthed. He shook his head, indicating I should sit back down, but I couldn’t. I ignored him. Walked straight past him and outside. I collapsed onto one of the benches. I had to get out. But then there was a hand on my shoulder. It was Miss Jones, the school psych
    â€˜Jasmine?’ she said. I looked at her and I couldn’t speak. ‘Come to my office.’
    I sat on her couch and stared numbly at her.
    â€˜What happened?’ I asked finally. She put a box of tissues on the round table in front of me.
    â€˜Annie is your friend.’ It wasn’t a question. But I shook my head.
    â€˜No,’ I said. ‘She hates me.’
    Miss Jones looked perplexed. ‘You had a fight?’
    I nodded. ‘What did she do?’ I asked.
    â€˜I don’t want to go into the details,’ Miss Jones said, ‘but she tried to end her life. Her mother prevented it. She’s in hospital.’
    I sighed, but it came out as a sob. ‘She’s not dead. She’s not dead.’ I couldn’t believe it. For those few minutes I thought she was dead. I thought we had killed her. It was an enormous relief. The burden had lifted.
    â€˜She’s not dead,’ Miss Jones said, and then she grasped my hand. She said very softly, ‘She’s in a very bad way, Jasmine. She’s on life support. It doesn’t look good.’
    And then that burden fell straight back over me. Oh God. What had we done? ‘I’m in real trouble,’I said without looking at Miss Jones. ‘I’ve done

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