through dark eyes. “You are the missing piece of the collection. We can’t know what he will prefer until he has samples of all acceptable species to choose from.”
    “Wait. Prefer?” She tried to lean back, but he put soft ties around her wrists.
    “Indeed. We have assembled all suitable species here, he will meet each of you in turn and finally make his selection. You were the final piece before we begin.”
    He put soft loops around her ankles and tightened them. When she was immobile, he cut her clothing away.
    “Hey, that was perfectly fine.”
    “It is torn and filthy. I am going to run an SRT on you, and for that, your skin needs to be accessible.” He was very matter-of-fact.
    She shuddered at the mention of the sexual reflex test. She had heard other Terrans talk about them, but she had never thought that her line of work would require one. It appeared that she had just entered a completely new occupation—one that needed to know how fast she could orgasm.
    Honour closed her eyes and fought tears as her clothing was slowly stripped away. Even her boots were sliced to remove them. There was nothing left to cover her when he was done.
    There was a humming sound, and her legs were parted. The machine that would administer the test was put in place, and her torture began.
    She fought the machine at first, until the light, delicate touches got the better of her. When the first moan broke from her lips, she cursed herself, and as her breath came faster and her body twisted in time to the strokes, the twists and the caresses of the machine and its beam, she decided to get it over with. She surrendered to pleasure and let the programming send her over the edge.
    It gave her two minutes, and then, it started again.
    One hour of release, respite and arousal exhausted her. When the machine was taken away, another was placed near her head. It spun a beam over her body, and when it finished, she was clean and the sweat was only a recent memory.
    Her wrists and ankles were freed, her IV was removed and the man helped her sit up and put a soft black robe around her shoulders. “There. That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”
    She glared at him. “It is humiliating.”
    “Why? Bodies are designed to react to stimuli. There is nothing shameful in that. It is how our species keep reproducing.” He chuckled. “The males learn which buttons to push so that the females don’t hide.”
    “It is still humiliating to be at the mercy of limbic reactions.”
    “At least you don’t get visible erections in public venues.” His tone was wry.
    She looked down and there was indeed a tent under the edge of the tunic. “Ah, I see. Like watching a sex vid.”
    “Where pheromones were in heavy play, yes. Your species is an excellent candidate. Not only are you susceptible to scent, but you exude it as well. This increases your chances of pleasing him.”
    “Pleasing who? No one has explained who this person is yet.”
    He cocked his head and sighed, “I am not authorized to tell you. You will learn the details before you meet him. That is all I can give you.”
    “What happens if I am not suitable?”
    “You will be returned to the planet where you were taken. No penalty will be enacted. Your people will be fine.”
    Hope flickered in her mind, and she finished putting the robe on. “Great. Let’s get this show on the road. I am going to be the worst candidate ever.”
    He blinked, and she could swear she saw a smile behind the mask. “Very well. I will have you taken to general quarters. Ask to be brought to medical if you have need.”
    She smiled and hopped off the exam bed, catching herself when her knees wobbled. Six orgasms in an hour was her personal best, but it was hell on the voluntary movement of her legs. She staggered for a few steps until she regained control. When the guards came to walk with her, she was almost moving normally.
    They guided her down the hall, and two of them waited while the first two escorted

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