Love Is All Around

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Book: Love Is All Around by Rae Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae Davies
of so much work.
    Starting over didn’t mean strapping on a tool belt. It meant doing things his way. And that is what he was going to do.
    He eyed the stack of paint cans and wallpaper samples. Home décor wasn’t important.
    Starting a business of his own design was. Time to focus.
    He hopped over the drop cloth Ralph was using as a bed and picked up the phone. First he would work on his business plan, then he’d deal with Patsy Clark and her green-bean brigade.
    The doorbell rang while he was on hold for Richard Parks. He ignored it; no reason to aid the enemy.
    The bell was quickly followed by a light rap. Ten seconds later, Jessica Perry pushed the door open. Wearing a sundress decorated with tiny red hearts, she swished her skirt back and forth while she waited.
    Will turned his back on her as he strained to listen.
    “Glad you called,” Richard said.
    Jessica’s heels tapped across the bare floors. Will tried to block the sound and concentrate on what Richard was saying. “I just got wind of a great opportunity. It’s got everything you could want—surefire moneymaker, build the community, all that. Couldn’t ask for more.”
    Jessica leaned over to examine the floor sander, giving a more opportunistic man a full view of her cleavage. Ample, but he was more a perky man. Perky with a side of attitude. Will clenched his teeth as the dream Patsy and her green bikini popped into his head.
    Great, she was haunting his daydreams too. The woman really needed to learn some consideration.
    “You there?” Richard asked.
    Will grunted.
    “How about lunch tomorrow?”
    After agreeing to meet at the newspaper office around noon, Will hung up.
    “Making plans with anyone I know?” Jessica glanced down at her manicure, then snapped her gaze back up at him.
    Will suddenly felt like the last nacho at a poker game.
    “What a coincidence. I was stopping by to invite you to lunch.” Her hand ran down the neckline of her dress, stopping somewhere a little north of impropriety.
    Make that the last bratwurst at a tailgate party.
    “I could show you some office space while we’re out.” She swished closer, breathing the words through a cloud of musky perfume.
    The last Budweiser at the Super Bowl?
    In search of fresh air, he took a step back. “I’m kind of fully stocked with casseroles right now.”
    Smoothing her skirt, she breathed, “I could help you out.”
    “Great idea.” Zipping into the kitchen, he grabbed three casseroles—one tuna, two green-bean—and a bowl of something fluffy and pink. “Don’t worry about washing them when you’re done. I think a dishwasher is on the plan for Wednesday.” Shoving the dishes into her hands, he hurried her to the door. “Just drop them by anytime.”
    “But… the office space.”
    “No rush. I’ll call you.” After shutting the door, he leaned against it and let out a sigh of relief. Another narrow escape. He already had one woman to deal with. She was more than enough.
     “I applied at the BiggeeMart today.” Ruthann pulled the curtain back, staring out into Granny’s backyard. A bluebird poked his head out of a weathered birdhouse. “They said they had positions open in the pharmacy and jewelry—a lot classier than checking at the B & B.”
    “Yeah, I’d much rather be discussing foot fungus and hemorrhoids all day.” Filling from a Hostess pie oozed onto Patsy’s hand. She licked a bit of apple off her wrist. Three days since she’d left a message for Glenn and nada. Why hadn’t he called?
    Three days since she’d seen Will. Why hadn’t he called?
    She chastised herself for the thought. She didn’t want Will to call. Her plan was working. She should be happy.
    “What about the jewelry? There’s nothing wrong with that,” Ruthann said.
    Nothing right with it either. Patsy’s mind drifted back to Will. Wonder if he got a new refrigerator yet? His window was fixed. She’d just happened to drive by his place yesterday. Couldn’t help but

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