Catamount Ridge

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Book: Catamount Ridge by Aubree Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubree Lane
to their tension-filled journey.
    They reached the escape tunnel and Jessie tossed her cohort an adjustable head lamp. The situation was unpredictable. Grace would need her hands free to wrangle the cubs or to protect herself as the situation dictated.
    Jessie attached her father’s razor sharp hunting knife to the outside of her pant leg and checked the tranquilizing rifle one last time before she followed the older woman into the mine.
    The moment they reached the cavern, the cubs began their hungry cry.
    “That’s it, Jessie. Time for you to leave,” Ms. Langston commanded.
    Jessie disregarded the order and searched the cavern for any sign of Ice. “Be careful,” she warned. “Watch those two exit points. Ice might try to ambush you. Call if you need help.”
    “Don’t worry about me. Get out there before he shows up,” the old teacher growled. “Stick to the plan.”
    Jessie pressed two syringes into Ms. Langston’s hand. “This isn’t part of the plan, but if Ice gets past me, the cubs will have to be destroyed.” She grabbed the feisty cub by the scruff of its neck and pointed. “This is where you’ll need to inject them. It won’t hurt, and it will be a peaceful death.” Unable to leave her least favorite teacher, Jessie lingered a moment longer than necessary. “Dad will never forgive me if anything happens to you. You also have two exit points. Fall back if necessary. Stay safe, Grace. None of this is worth getting hurt over.”
    Grace nodded and pulled a 9mm Beretta from the pocket of her tattered barn jacket.
    “You don’t need to worry about me. I’ll ice them all if necessary.” The old woman smiled at her joke. “After all, we can’t let the cat-people take over our worldly realm.”
    •   •   •
    JESSIE SCOPED OUT the best place for her ambush. Years of hunting with her father had given her the skill to do what was needed today. She hoped she would make her father proud. Upwind from the path where Ice was likely to make his appearance, Jessie hunkered down behind a bush. The manzanita and other prickly greenery made the landscape difficult to maneuver. The trail of destruction left by the Durango made it the most likely place for Ice to make his appearance, therefore, Jessie prepared for him to arrive from just about any other direction.
    Silently, she watched while the cubs inside the mine became increasingly distressed. Their cries were agitating, but her milk did not let down and she was able to stay focused on the job at hand.
    She sensed more than heard him. Ice was too close for comfort. Jessie controlled her breathing. Too many times this man/beast had been able to get the best of her. Those days were gone. She was now the hunter. Ice didn’t know what he was up against. It had fallen to her to maintain the health of the ecosystem. She was now the apex predator and Ice was her prey.
    It was crucial for her to trust her instincts. Her next move had to happen in one fluid motion. Jessie closed her eyes. Sight was of no use to her. If she turned her head, she would give herself away, and Ice would win.
    Fear and apprehension heightened her senses.
    Jessie waited.
    The moment she smelled his musk, she turned and fired.
    The tranquilizing dart hit Ice in the middle of his chest. Shock was the only emotion that registered on his face. He stared at the dart’s red feathered tail in disbelief. Then his body turned liquid and Ice melted into the blue-gray mountain lion who had stalked and terrorized her.
    The cat chirped pathetically as the tranquilizer fulfilled its part of the operation.
    With her gun drawn, Grace reached Jessie just in time to help drag the cage out of the back of the Durango. “Well, that’s a first,” she said, pocketing her weapon.
    “What?” Jessie chuckled. “Saving our worldly realm from the cat people?”
    “Nope, back in there,” she said, referring to the mine. “You called me Grace. It only took thirty years. I know it was said out of fear,

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