A Doctor to Remember

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Authors: Joanna Neil
examining her reflexes. Her blood pressure’s still low, so we’re giving her dopamine to improve cardiac output.’
    ‘And the heart rate? Has that improved?’
    ‘It’s getting better. She’s had atropine, two milligrams so far.’
    ‘Good. That’s something, at least. Now, these X-ray films—’
    ‘Coming up.’ Jake brought up the pictures on the screen and Matt sucked his breath through his teeth.
    ‘That’s a C7 fracture. She’ll need to go for surgery to get that stabilised. See if Andrew Simmons is available to come and look at her.’
    ‘I will. I think I saw him earlier in his office.’
    ‘Okay. She’ll need her pain medication topped up and steroids to bring down the inflammation.’
    ‘I’ll write it up. Gina Raines is her specialist nurse. I’ll let her know.’
    Matt’s head went back. ‘Gina?’
    Saffi frowned. It was clear he was startled by this information for some reason.
    ‘Yes, she generally works at the community hospital, but she transferred over here a couple of days ago on a temporary contract. She’s pretty good at the job, from what I’ve seen.’
    ‘Oh, yes,’ Matt said. ‘She’s certainly well qualified. She was always keen to get on.’ His expression was guarded and Saffi wondered what had brought about this sudden change in him. Had he worked with Gina before this? From the sound of things, he knew her fairly well.
    ‘It’s all right, Jake,’ he said briskly, getting himself back on track. ‘I’ll go and speak to her myself. Perhaps you could concentrate on chasing up Andrew Simmons.’
    ‘I’ll do that.’
    Matt turned to Saffi, laying a hand lightly on her elbow. ‘Are you okay to go home with the paramedics? They have to go through the village on the way to the ambulance station.’
    ‘Yes, that’s fine, as long as they don’t mind helping me transfer my groceries from your car.’
    ‘I’m sure they’ll be okay with that.’
    He seemed concerned about her and Saffi smiled at him. ‘Don’t worry about me. I know you want to see to your patient and I understand that you’re busy.’
    He relaxed a little. ‘They’ll be in the restaurant, getting coffee, I imagine, but I asked them to page me when they’re ready to go.’
    She walked with him to the treatment bay where Katie was being looked after by a team of doctors and nurses. The girl was still wearing the rigid collar that protected her cervical spine, and she looked frightened, overwhelmed by everything that was happening. A nurse was doing her best to reassure her. Was this Gina?
    The nurse’s glance lifted as Matt entered the room and there was an immediate tension in the air as they looked at one another.
    ‘Well, this is a surprise,’ she said. There was a soft lilt to her voice. She was an attractive woman with green eyes and a beautifully shaped mouth, and dark brown hair that was pinned up at the back in a silky braid. ‘It’s been quite a while, Matt.’
    ‘It has. I—uh—wasn’t expecting to see you here.’
    ‘No. I’m standing in for the girl who went off on maternity leave.’
    ‘Ah.’ He cleared his throat, and Saffi guessed he was more than a little disturbed by this meeting. ‘So, how’s our patient doing?’
    ‘She’s very scared.’
    ‘That’s only natural.’ He walked over to the bedside and squeezed Katie’s hand gently. ‘Your parents are on their way, Katie. They should be here soon.’
    He spoke in a calm, soothing voice, comforting her as best he could and answering her questions in a positive manner. After a while, the girl seemed a little less tense.
    Gina looked at him in quiet satisfaction as they walked away from the bedside. ‘You were always good with the patients,’ she murmured. ‘You seem to have the magic touch.’
    ‘Let’s hope her faith in me isn’t misplaced,’ he said, his mouth making a taut line.
    Gina glanced at Saffi, and her eyes widened a fraction. ‘Saffi. I thought you were based in Hampshire? Are you working here

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