Baby It's Cold Outside

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Book: Baby It's Cold Outside by Kerry Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry Barrett
magically by listening in to the people who were trapped. Magic looks easy but it can be draining if you do too much and I’d definitely done too much.
    I woke up at ten a.m. to an empty bed and grey light flooding the room. Carefully, because I still pretty much hurt all over, I swung my legs out of bed and headed for the shower. Then, feeling marginally more awake, I went downstairs in search of Jamie and coffee – in that order.
    I found the coffee first, in a cafetiere in the kitchen. I poured myself a mug, then stuck it in the microwave to warm up. I’d obviously slept a lot later than anyone else. When the microwave pinged I took my mug, and Harry’s iPad, which I’d found on a chair in the kitchen, into the living room.
    â€˜Ez, you’re up,’ Harry said. She was sitting on the floor with Parker on one side and Lou on the other, playing dominoes. I gave them all an uncertain smile.
    â€˜Morning,’ I said. ‘Where is everyone?’
    Parker laid a domino down and punched the air in triumph.
    â€˜I win!’ he called. ‘Mom went out with Daddy Jamie,’ he said, not looking at me.
    â€˜She did?’ I said, not happy about the rekindled friendship between Tansy and Jamie. ‘Where did they go?’
    â€˜They’ve gone to help check on some of the people who were hurt yesterday,’ Harry said. ‘Mum and your mum are at the café and we’re just hanging out with Parker.’ She gave him an adoring look and I tried to hide my smile.
    â€˜How are you feeling?’ Louise asked me.
    â€˜Sore,’ I said. ‘But not as bad as it could be. Any news on the people who were buried?’
    â€˜They’re all fine,’ Louise said. ‘The two walkers are going home today – they’re both from down south somewhere.’
    â€˜And the driver?’ I asked, remembering his bloodied face.
    â€˜He’s going to be in for a while longer but he’s okay.’
    Relieved, I slumped onto the sofa and leaned back against the cushions to drink my coffee.
    â€˜Sooooo,’ Harry said, super casually. ‘What are your plans for the next couple of days?’
    I shrugged.
    â€˜Trying to sort out this bloody wedding I suppose,’ I said. ‘I’m not sure where to start now Jamie’s vetoed…’ I paused. I knew Chloe spelled out words she didn’t want her kids to hear, but somehow I didn’t think that would work with Parker. Fortunately he was busy organising the dominoes into odd combinations and didn’t seem remotely interested in our conversation.
    â€˜He’s vetoed you know what,’ I finished lamely. Harry and Lou glanced at each other.
    â€˜So you’ve got nothing definite on?’ Harry said.
    â€˜Nooooo,’ I said, wondering where she was going with this. Harry and Louise scrambled to their feet.
    â€˜Could you stay with Parker for a little while,’ Harry said, ruffling the little boy’s hair. ‘His mum will be back soon.’
    â€˜Oh I’m not sure,’ I began, but Harry and Louise were already halfway out of the door.
    â€˜Thanks Ez,’ Harry called. ‘See you later.’
    I heard them talking and laughing as they put on their thick coats, and then the front door slammed and there was silence.
    I looked at Parker who was still rearranging his dominoes. He really was as cute as a button. His skin was the colour of milky coffee – a shade or two lighter than Tansy’s but his mixed-race heritage was still obvious. He had dark silky curls, with glints of auburn when the light caught them and startling hazel eyes. Sensing my run-of-the-mill blue eyes on him, he looked up at me and gave me an awkward smile. I tried to smile back but I wasn’t really feeling it.
    â€˜I did some math,’ Parker said. ‘Want to see?’
    Knowing I had to make an effort with this odd little boy who’d soon be my stepson, I

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