The Proverbial Mr. Universe

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Book: The Proverbial Mr. Universe by Maria La Serra Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria La Serra
Tags: The Proverbial Mr. Universe
    “Look at you, all sharply dressed.”
    “I’m flattered you noticed.” He raised his brow. “Well, I got a … date.”
    “Oh …” was the only sound that escaped her mouth. It should mean nothing to her, but Olivia was baffled by the knot in her stomach.
    “Well, it’s a blind date. I promised myself I would never go on another one of those things, but my future sister-in-law forced me into it,” Nick said as they stood near the magazine rack and the frozen yogurt.
    “Well, you never know. She might be the one you’re looking for.” Olivia was trying hard to make it sound as honest as possible.
    He slightly opens his mouth to speak but whatever it was, remained just behind his lips. His soft, kind eyes gazed at her in a way that made her glance away. It was the kind of look that made her feel so momentous, like she was the only thing in the room.
    “Maybe …” His eyes slowly dropped down to the hand clutching the pack of cigarettes and frowned. “Those things will kill you.”
    “You don’t say.” Olivia discreetly slid them into her coat pocket. “Well, I got to go. Good luck on your date tonight.”
    She was out the door before he had another chance to say a word. After several attempts, Olivia finally managed to get her frozen car door opened. She started the engine of her black sedan then began to clean off the ice on her car. She didn’t get very far down the street before her phone rang.
    “Olivia, where are you?”
    “What do you want, Dario?”
    “I need to see you. I thought we might talk this morning, but you ran out the door before I could get a chance,” Dario said.
    “I have nothing left to say to you.”
    “I want to try to work things out between us.”
    “What’s there to work out?” Olivia frowned.
    “I’ll be here when you get home.”
    “No, I don’t want anything to do with you. It’s over. Do you understand?”
    Olivia finally realized he’d hung up, but not before seeing a set bright lights heading toward the passenger side window. Olivia wasn’t sure if she held her breath or if her life even flashed before her eyes, but at that moment the only thought in her mind was that this couldn’t be the end; she couldn’t put her family through another tragedy.
    Then everything moved in slow motion.
    Slamming into something with a violent crash.
    The sound of shattering glass and bending metal, followed by a swish from the air bags deploying.
    Everything stopped. Everything around her went silent and dark, except for the sounds of rapid breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Then, she realized it was her own.
    She’s alive, thankfully all in one piece. She sat there stunned and motionless when she detected movements and shadows around her.
    “Olivia, are you okay?” asked a familiar male voice.
    “What the fuck is wrong with you, lady? You went through a red light. Are you fucking crazy?” shrieked another voice.
    “Hey! Calm down, man.”
    When the disgruntled driver refused to step aside, the friendly stranger placed himself between Olivia, who was still sitting in the driver’s seat, and the man who rammed her on the passenger side.
    “Back the fuck off, will you,” the familiar voice said more assertively.
    When the man finally walked away, her savior turned his attention back to Olivia.
    “Are you hurt?” He opened her door.
    She inspected herself. “No … I don’t think so.”
    “Are you sure?” He looked her over.
    “Yes … yes, I’m fine—”
    An expression of relief crossed his face. “Hey, if this is some foolish attempt to stop me from going on that date, you could have just said so.” He smiled, trying to make light of things.
    “Is he right? Did I go through a red light?”
    “I didn’t see what happened. What’s important is that no one got hurt,” Nick reminded her.
    “Is she okay?” A stranger’s voice came from behind Nick’s shoulder.
    “I’m fine,” Olivia said as she unbuckled her seat belt. With shaking

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