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Book: 9781631054099GracefulAcceptanceBeck by Paloma Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paloma Beck
substantial proof, it was also a private
matter. Would you suggest we talk of your mating over dinner?”
    Madden’s face, if
possible, grew more red. “No…”
    Layla cut him off by
laying her hand over his on the table and whispering a private thou ght into his ear. Madden looked at Anton and nodded when he
smiled. Now that was a curious relationship. Grace would much rather they talk
about their Tre Adoro coupling rather than her own triad.
    “We will begin
planning immediately for your Pronouncement. It will
be quite the event, everything we have all been awaiting.” Chiara smiled as her
eyes filled with tears. Grace’s mother was giving away her final daughter. It
would be an emotional time for her.
    Trevor’s eyebrows drew
together and over his eyes, al ready partially covered
by his riotous curls. He reached for his water glass and took a sip. Grace
thought he was preparing to speak, but he remained quiet. It was Davina who
    “We are uncertain how
all of this will play out, but with the imminent thr eats
against our race gone, we hoped to slow the process down.” Seeing concerned
faces, she added, “Just a little, just enough to allow us more time to
acclimate. With three, it seems to need more time.”
    Nods came from around
the table. Grace was glad that was so easy.
    Shooing away the
conversation with her hand, Adelina focused back to their earlier conversation.
“I am so interested to see how the circle has strengthened.”
    It took only the
single reference of the circle for the women to focus solely on the ir speculations regarding the fulfillment of the prophecy.
Then the elders told stories of their homeland in Italy. They’d emigrated
during different times, but both families left because humans were growing
curious about them. America was a good choice, a nd
land ripe for growing grapes meant the Santuccis could continue doing work they
    Conversation flowed
easily through these topics until finally every plate had been cleared and
Adelina was encouraging the women to join her in the library. She looke d to Trevor who gave her a reassuring glance. Grace didn’t
like being separated. They had been her constant companions for weeks now and
being without Trevor made her stomach clench with sensations of not being
complete. She didn’t like it one bit.
    “I’ll b e fine. You’ll be fine. We’ll see each other in a bit.”
Trevor winked as he headed in the opposite direction to the parlor.
    * * * *
    Gathered in a circle
with their fingertips touching ever so slightly, a wave of power like nothing
else Davina had experie nced pushed the breath out of
her. She looked around at the other women. Each were transfixed on her. Shooting bursts with
crackles like lightning claimed the air around her. While they radiated outward
to include the full circle, the bursts originated fro m
her aura.
    Dusk was just closing
in and the mild temperatures that had moved in brought a stillness to the evening. There was no breeze
coming in through the open windows. The concentrated scent of their burning
incense was prevalent and reassuring. As wo men of the Magdalena Circle , they each had strengths of their own.
When combined, they were a mighty force, likely unstoppable.
    Davina led the
chanting that customarily began with the elders. Tonight, the spirit moved her
to begin a new chant. Words she wa s unfamiliar with
resonated out from her. “We are called. We are chosen. Come to us, Mother of
all Mothers. Goddess, we are yours.”
    Their chanting grew
louder as each of the women joined in. First Davina and Grace. Then Adelina and Chiara. Next Layla, Eloi se, and Gemma. Finally Paige, Amelia, and Sadie. Their voices melted together in a
beautiful harmony.
    The wind whipped
around the circle, coming out of nowhere, moments before the ribbons of white
swirled in the middle of where they stood. Similar to when those capable of teleporting appeared, a smoke of vapors
plumed outward. Colors and lights

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