Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense

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Book: Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense by Summer Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Cooper
buying pills but the room was swarming with Zare’s people, members of the bike gang, and other members of the clan. What the hell was going on? Is this how Zare made his money? Jane saw Charlie’s face flash before her eyes and knew, in that moment, that it didn’t matter.
    She loved Charlie, he was the reason she’d married Zare. She hadn’t married him to feel safe, loved, or secure, she’d married him for the life-saving treatment that had worked so well Charlie was now at home with her and Zare, his own room outfitted to take care of his medical leave, a private doctor and nurse visiting him daily.
    And if she was completely honest with herself, she loved Zare. She didn’t know how but she’d learn to live with knowing that the man she loved wasn’t exactly a saint. So long as it didn’t threaten Charlie or her, she’d look past it. Jane saw Zare coming out of the back door of the barn and tried to hop down from the barrel to disappear but stumbled and fell instead.
    “What are you doing out here princess? Come on, I need a shower and you beneath me.” He grinned at her as he helped her up and pulled her close.
    Jane stiffened for a moment but made herself relax. Nothing had changed, she told herself, not really. She’d just had a dose of reality; she had to live with that now. She melted into him, praying his touch would make it all go away. That man’s life had depended on a decision Zare made. Jane shivered but when Zare’s lips met hers she pushed the memory away and gave herself up to her husband.
    Life went on as normal but Jane continued to keep an eye on The Faction as she’d come to think of the group of men. Something was going on and it was stressing her. Luckily Charlie seemed to be improving and that eased some of her stress but every bit of her that gained relief seemed to be taken up by this group of men. What were they up to, what were they planning?
    Now that Jane knew what happened out in the barn she kind of suspected what was going on. Nothing showed up through the business section so she couldn’t prove it through the accounting but that wasn’t just a coincidence out in the barn. And it wasn’t something that was new. That man had looked at Zare as though this was a regular occurrence, not a once in a lifetime thing.
    Jane felt the nagging of the questions, the worry, and finally decided a few weeks later to confront Zare about it. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t but she was worried this might somehow impact Charlie. She felt some concern that questioning Zare about his family’s business might result in a negative reaction but she felt she was owed an explanation. He’d kept hinting at things, making comments offhand only to backtrack when he realized what he’d said.
    Jane put her worry to rest as she found him and he took her in his arms. There with the door to his office closed Jane realized that they’d become partners, though unequal at the moment. Zare would listen to her concerns and address them. He wouldn’t throw Charlie and her out just because she asked some questions.
    Zare leaned down to kiss her and Jane moved away, not wanting to be distracted. She left his arms and sat on the black leather couch at one of the office, patting the spot beside her. She saw him looking at her, observing the way her face was set and she saw realization dawning.
    “Ah. It’s that time finally. Right then, my love.” Zare came to sit beside her and took her hand. “I guess you saw more than I thought that night I found you behind the barn?”
    Jane shook her head positively, looking at him mutely for the moment.
    “You need answers. Have we got some time or will Charlie need you soon?” He asked, pushing her dark hair behind her ear.
    “No, his nurse is there for now. I have a few hours.” She spoke, her voice wobbly. She cleared her throat and looked up at him bravely. “What’s going on? I want to know all of it.”
    “I have to start at the beginning. Three

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