Royal Ever After

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Book: Royal Ever After by Winter Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winter Scott
boss. I'll bring the junkie over as soon as I can.”
    “Don't fuck this up, Brody.” The line went dead and I shoved my phone in my pocket. I had about twenty-four hours before the Kelly brothers would send their goons after me. I had twenty-four hours to skip town and never look back.
    Why the fuck was I risking so much for a chick I didn't even know? This wasn't like me. Not at all. I used sluts and tossed them away after I was done with them. I didn't save girls. I was no hero.
    “Everything okay?” a soft voice asked behind me.
    I turned around to see a girl I barely recognized. She barely resembled the drug addict I pulled from that shithole apartment. Her long jet black hair was brushed and hung behind her shoulders. The makeup I bought changed her appearance entirely. She no longer had sunken eyes but beautiful brown globes. Erica was dressed in new jeans and a black blouse with a low-hanging neck. The desire to tear off all those clothes and fuck her in the kitchen was overwhelming. My eyes found her cleavage and I lost my grip on the spatula and dropped it into the eggs.
    “Shit!” I pulled the spatula out and burned the back of my finger on the pan. “Fuck,” I yelled, sucking on my burnt flesh.
    Erica laughed and took control of the spatula. “You wouldn't be able to tell but I used to make a mean omelet.” She folded the eggs over.
    I ran my finger under cold water until the pain subsided. “You look really nice,” I choked out, checking out her ass in those tight jeans. Compliments? Now I knew I had become bat-shit crazy.
    “Thank you for the clothes. And for everything you've done for me.”
    “I didn't do it for you. I needed information and the only way was to sober you up.” I knew it wasn't true the moment it came out of my mouth and she knew it too.
    “Well thank you either way.” Erica opened up some cupboards, searching for something. “Do you have any plates?”
    I did but they were dirty in the sink. I didn't need plates to eat Chinese takeout every night. “Sorry, nothing clean.”
    “No problem. We'll just eat straight out of the pan. Just don't burn yourself again.” Erica winked at me and nudged me with her elbow. How could this be the same girl who was just going through withdrawals?
    We sat down at the little kitchen table that was covered in unopened mail and junk. I swiped it all away in one stroke, sending the papers flying to the ground. Erica placed the pan of eggs between us. The first bite tasted dramatically different than any eggs I had ever cooked before. It actually had flavor.
    “How did you make this taste so good? Its not like my kitchen is stocked with anything fresh.”
    Erica chuckled. “That's for sure. But you'd be surprised what a difference a few spices could do.”
    I didn't even know I had any spices. And didn't care because these eggs were delicious.
    “So why do you need to find this drug dealer so badly?” she asked.
    “It's my job. It's what I do.”
    Erica scrapped the pan, filling her fork with the last little bit of eggs. “That's it? That's all the information you're going to give me? Are you a secret agent or something?”
    “No nothing like that.” I wasn't sure how much I should tell her. She didn't need to know every aspect of my life. “I work for the Kelly brothers. Pretty much doing anything they ask of me.”
    “Like kidnapping an addict and making her go clean?”
    I smirked at her. This woman had a mouth on her. And I liked that. “That was just a bonus. This drug shipment they're looking for is very important.”
    Erica stared off at the ground. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you where my dealer was right away. I was too scared of never being able to get a fix again.”
    I leaned forward and put my hand on hers. There was a sudden jolt between us and the hairs on my arms stuck up. What was this feeling? “Don't worry, you don't need

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