Inexperienced Mage (Reawakening Saga)

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Book: Inexperienced Mage (Reawakening Saga) by D.W. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
small dagger and the other a rusted bastard sword. Thad cleared his mind and triggered the enchantment on his sword.
    The man with the sword attacked first with a swing towards his midsection. Thad moved to his weapon in position to block the blow, and was happy when he saw the man’s eyes go wide as his sword was nearly cut in two. His other attacker came in quickly leaving Thad no time to capitalize on the others shock. He dodged the first two dagger strikes then went on the attack as the other man began to try and circle around behind him. Knowing he was running out of time he pushed the attacker putting the dagger wielder off balance then with an overhead strike severed the man’s arm right above the elbow, then quickly turned on his other assailant who was coming in with a vicious overhand blow. Thad was barely able to get his sword up in time to keep his head from being split open like a ripe melon. While he had been able to block the strike the blade of his attackers sword broke off hitting him in the face and cutting a deep gash on the right side of his head. Thad kicked out with his right foot at the other man’s knee and was rewarded with a sickening crunch. The man’s cries were cut short as Thad’s sword followed quickly removing his head from his body.
    Turning expecting to see one or both of the remaining men attacking him he found one holding the girl whose hands and feet were bound, and the other holding a knife to her throat. “Stop boy come any closer or follow us and I’ll cut her pretty little throat.” The man holding the knife said his voice filled with both fear and desperation.
    Thad slowly hooked his sword back to his wai st and held his hands straight out, causing the two men to visibly relax. With a two quick words he activated his paralyzing ring, and calmly walked forward. He removed the knife from the thug’s hand and quickly cut the girls bonds, grabbed her hand and ran.  Thad never looked back running straight toward the small alley that would lead back to safety.
    The young girl followed him without a word into the sewer quietly sobbing. Without thinking he called a spear of light to his hand, once back in the safety of his home he gave her a water skin and a small piece of smoked pork. Looking at her closely he figure she was around eleven years old and her dress though ripped slightly was expensive. Then he swore inwardly as he remembered where he had seen her.
    “My name is Thaddeus and as soon as it’s quieted down outside I’ll get you home” he tried making his voice reassuring, silently hoping she didn’t recognize him.
    “Maria, my name is Maria, I live in the castle.” She looked up at him her smile looking odd with her eyes red and puffy. “How did you make those men stop? Your ring flashed then they just quit moving.”
    Thad let of another string of silent curses, he had let the princess see he use magic. “Just a trick my lady.” She didn’t say anything right away so he took the chance to take off his ring and replace it with one of his new rings made of silver, with two garnet cores. It was made a little different it had two trigger words one to paralyze and individual one to paralyze a group within a fifty foot circle around him. The group spell could be used once every three days, and the individual spell could be used about eight times before it was exhausted. He also replaced his shield ring with a new one that could last up five minutes.
    Turning his attention back to the princess he noticed she was now standing with a haughty look. “ Not only the guards, but the light from your hand, and the lights in this room, that wasn’t just a trick, and I demand to know how you did that right now.” The fear was gone from her voice replaced by a commanding tone.
    Thad tried to think of an excuse but nothing came to mind he thought the girl would buy, so he decided to at least limit the damage done. “They’re magic rings I dug up in an ancient tower in the

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